Alright, enough already. We get it! You grow amazing pot. You can take amazing pictures of your amazing pot. Just kidding(kinda). great looking plant. Peace.....
:alien11:he got his amazing ganja skills from an alien implant. Won it in a kangaroo boxing match against chuck norris. I heard MRGJ betted on the roo...
wait a second... no, this man has apparently learned his secret skills from the cherokee medicine men passed down for many generations... right?
Is there anything you DON'T grow? Or maybe I should ask, is there anything you grow that DOESN'T look amazing? Yet another picture-perfect plant that makes me feel even more inadequate than before.
Thanks guys for the compliments. I'm going to go and chop some White Rhino I have been growing for the first time. I'll post some pictures later tonight in the WR thread in the Grow Log Forum. :redbong::redbong::redbong:
i need to eplore the video feature on my dslr. Maybe post up a vido of the closet closd and stelth, then open it up. Nice lil video of a fine plant
Amen Tony Yeeaaaaeahhhhhh...not bad for a first grow... Fanfuckintastic brother...keep on keepin on :XXhippylove:
Woawawona Weird. I remember reading tons of FAQ and "how to" posts by you, then not seeing any posts for years. Weird.