Ice and bubbler

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by SteelCity Smoker, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Nice harvest!!! And they all look huge! :thumbs-up: I need to spend a weekend with you guys and learn how to grow.
  2. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    Did you use an axe to bring that fucker down? Holy shit nice haul man.
  3. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    Well I was wrong in my guesstimate. I guessed there was about 7 oz dry there.


    If you can read the scale it's 311 grams(yes, I did a tare for the bowl lol). That's 11.1 oz a zone shy of 3/4 lb. It was dried in the rack for 7 days it may lose a couple more grams of moisture over the next week in the containers so we'll round down to 11 oz's.

    I now have my strains lined up for this winter. Prepare cause steel now has an itch to do 1 lb plants 4 of them under 2kw in 10 gal tubs. I am using some cues from the UC system in using 2" tub outlets but I am not going to circulate that fast I'll stick to gravity return with feedlines.

    More to follow and keep an eye out for my Grand Daddy Purp run.

    Thanks for watching...Steel
  4. AlienBait

    AlienBait Custom User Title

    Very nice!! Congrats on the harvest. :thumbsup: Always good to be wrong in that direction.
  5. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    :not-worthy: Now this is going to be something to keep my eyes looking for. I want to see pound trees!!! :thumbsup:

    And the Granddaddy Purp!!!

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