Halogens are out I get that but...

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by TwistedCowboy, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. TwistedCowboy

    TwistedCowboy Germinating

    Ok so I've been looking around and for my particular set up an adjustable work light is ideal, however I don't have an EFTA 180 bucks to shell out for a MH bulb work light. I do however have a halogen work light already in my possession, so my question to all you crafty DIY growers out there, if I buy a comparable MH bulbs to replace the halogen bulbs will they work in my light? Cause 50 bucks for bulbs vs 180 is a win win no matter how you slice the pie.

    Any advice will be much appreciated thanks,

  2. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    I will let the electricians get to this but just don't plug anything in before they do because no, the MH bulbs will not/should not work with the halogen ballast. While you are waiting, I would go with cfls real close to the plants. Skip the MH all together if you can't afford both a MH and HPS, and just save for the HPS. They can support a plant the whole time. MH is better for vegging, but if it is one or the other, go with the HPS for much more yield all around.
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Nope. Don't work that way pardner.
  4. TwistedCowboy

    TwistedCowboy Germinating

    I didn't think so but figured I'd ask anyhow, thanks
  5. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    pics of your area would be helpful but seriously if they are small clones right now, all you need is CFLs the small twisty things at home depot.
  6. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    If things are that tight at the moment then I'll second Cannagirl'a reccomendation to go with CFL's. if your handy with tools it's pretty easy to rig up a simple cfl array for not much more than the cost of the bulbs. CFL bulbs do produce enough heat to require the use of an exhaust fan, ain't no way around that. If you could scrape together 50-75 bucks I bet you could cob something together between the dollar store & Home Depot. Get it going & start saving for the real deal.

    You'll be ahead of the game if you just save up for this amzn.com/B00521B894 its probably a cheap piece of shit that could very well burn down your house but hey it's cheap. Seriously those cheap Chinese knock off ballast aren't to be trusted.

    Cheers & good luck

  7. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    These guys can set you up with any light you need with no questions. I picked up a couple 150w cfl's (actual wattage) for a third of what the hydro stores charge. If they don't have it in stock they can order it for you.


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