fuck no it's not anywhere, he broke no law. Show the law that he broke? He legally defended his life. That civil right shit is bullshit, that wasn't about race at all. about acting like a little thug Zimms going to get sued by mom and dad, but Trayvon is partially repsonsible and he was found not guilty of a crime, so damages wont be much Zimmerman is getting a payday for going through this. He was arrested and raked through the coals because race baiters wanted to make money and news programs wanted to sell advertisments. He should have never been arrested and now that county will pay....and pay out the ass. No grand jury indictment to fail back on....they did this one on their own and are going to pay out the ass for it
oh, I think they are saying self defense not even stand your ground. Because he was under attack, he couldn't retreat....so it's classic self defense, not even Stand your ground They going to have trayvon's law :roffl: let's not act like this kid is a poster for anything but a felon. It's sad that he's gone, but he did lead to his own death. Beating someone's ass for asking you a question is not reasonable....it's absurd for anyone to say that. You shouldn't die over a fistfight, but hey it's today world....don't get into fights to begin with
I live about 20 minutes from Sanford, I sincerely hope they do not riot like a mofo, it would suck. I think not guilty is the only way it could've went. The guy is guilty of driving by and happening to see someone that looked suspicious, guilty of carrying a concealed weapon that he was licensed to carry and guilty of saving his own life after being attacked in the dark for trying to make sure his neighbors didn't get robbed. He didn't set out to hunt anyone down and it was becoming common for burglaries to happen in his neighborhood, everytime the suspects fit the same description Trayvon Martin did. Everytime yet they had gotten away before leo arrived. he followed to keep an eye on him so he wouldn't get away, Zimmerman was not running around with his gun drawn. The evidence shows the amount of time Trayvon Martin had to get away and call 911 himself. He chose not to, he chose to attack. He could've asked Zimmerman what he wanted and talked it out and even left Zimmerman feeling like a douchebag and a racist, but he chose to attack. In the dark and rain and his size who could know how old he was and obviously he would've left Zimmerman severely injured at best .The evidence shows he broke Zimmerman's nose and Zimmerman fell to the ground. It shows he struck Zimmerman's head repeatedly on the concrete. What else could he do but use the weapon that he was licensed to carry, this is the type of situation that license is for. Did he set out planning murder or shoot him in cold blood? The evidence say not. Should he have minded his own business? Probably but who wants to find out their neighbor got robbed and you saw the guy right before but did shit about it. Is it sad a young man lost his life, yes but he lost it because he chose to hurt someone rather than concern himself with his well being, not because Zimmerman wants to be a cop. I don't intend to piss anyone off but that's my view on it
First hanging chads. Then Casey Anthony. Now Zimmerman. Flori.......DUH! If I ever move there, people better learn how to duck. As far as damages not being much because he was found not guilty, OJ lost almost everything he owned in Civil Court and if I recall he was found not guilty. The courts decision on damages has nothing to do with this trial.
So Ashley, if I see someone that I think looks like a bank robber, I should just shoot )him and just use the excuse that banks get robbed around here all the time. Everyone should think back to when they were 17. Most guys thought they were indistructable and would take on anybody. I know I wouldn't have run away and called 911. Hell, I wouldn't do that now.
Well said Ashley and don't think we always spat like this here It's a hot topic and we all have our opinions but it's constructive to have opposing views...but everyone here can give you great advice about growing....even the guys with the pitchforks right now. Stay safe if things get rowdy. LVS..."learn how to duck"...:roffl: in oj civil they went after him for murder, not an accident. Worst case here it was accidental. Trayvon started the fight and was on top when it ended so he's caused his death. They will have a hard time getting damages. You have to come to court with clean hands. Things were different when we were younger LVS...read the case I posted early in the thread, a group of kids 14-16 something like that beat a man almost to death, just heard he died a few days ago, not sure of what yet
See that's where it's different. No you shouldn't. But the guy was neighborhood watch, he was the guy that's supposed to be on the lookout for suspicious shit and someone robbing a bank isn't the same as your neighbors getting robbed or home invasions or what have you. and he didn't just shoot, he was pinned down getting the hell beat out of him before he even drew. And yes we were all invincible at 17 and capable of adult size damage, does that mean everyone you think is following you deserves a beating with no questions asked? Zimmerman didn't grab his cock. I wouldn't have run away either but I would gotten an explanation before breaking someone's nose and trying to crack their skull open
Man, I am glad no one in the country club areas that I worked or the gated communities I partied in had any gun toting ass holes when I was 17. I guess tie-dyed is like camouflage for dumb asses with guns. I know the job uniforms sure were.
Casey Anthony walks, Zimmerman walks, this chick gets 20 years... Florida is fucked up. http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/11/justice/florida-stand-ground-sentencing Anyone want to bet on Zimmster getting a subpeona from Eric Holder? haaa.
It's not just Florida. America overall is about 50% fucktard, but that percentage goes way up for the south. :icon_confused:
Accept the Jury verdict. I thought it would be manslaughter but when i heard the Judges directions i did think it sounded that legally they might have to cu him loose. Shit happens,people learn from it and everyone moves on:bong2:
Damn. Wheres the consistency? - http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57433184/fla-mom-gets-20-years-for-firing-warning-shots/
Just saw this on my facebook feed from Teabonics,made me laugh - "News Just In: Its now legal to hunt black kids in Florida" Ouch :5eek:
It's Florida's new "Land your Brown" law. It obligates anyone with brown skin to run away if they are being stalked in the night.
Man you guys know that's not what this is about, and seriously to defend Trayvon like that is saying it's ok to kick the shit out of someone for asking you a question. Even like LVS was saying and he echoed what I said earlier and he's on the opposite side on this...I would ask WTF is your problem, if it went furtherr then you fight. You don't fight from the beginning. That's not right, it's not civil, for anyone to act like it is take that same set of rules and apply it to a different scenario.....because the law is suppose to treat everything equally. That's what I was saying to you hank....stand your ground doesn't apply because someone is following you, they might be looking for a puppy, they might think you are cute and want a date, you don't know what their intentions are until you speak to each other......that's why you can't just assault someone. In florida that costs you your life. BTW, why's no one crying about the hundreds killed everyday by other blacks? Like I said, wwent to chicago and that's all you heard, 20 killings in one week. Where's Sharpton and the other other racists. Oh that's right, it's ok for black kids to be killed by black kids is as long as it's gang related. I hispanic guy shooting in self defense though...that's where they draw the line