Trayvon Martin - Zimmerman Trail

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by nippie, Jul 11, 2013.


Trayvon Martin - Zimmerman Trail

  1. Guilty

    0 vote(s)
  2. Innocent

    0 vote(s)
  1. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Black kid walking through your neighborhood suspicously talking on a phone. Zimmermans on it!:gat:






  2. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    That's fucked up...see if I was on that jury "not guilty" also

    Hell that was a warning shot, I see what they are saying about the kids, but even that doesn't cut it when you think about the firing of the gun was to protect her life.

    Same prosecutor too???:wtf?::passsit:

    LMAO TA :roffl:
  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Well the looting would be good for those hit by Austerity:smoke2:








  4. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.


  5. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    I couldn't give a fuck what stand your ground applies to. You don't understand that much yet? I would have voted guilty, because that's what I think is right. I'm not and haven't once in this thread argued point of law.

    Your intention scenarios are retarded to say the least. In my mind, if someone is stalking you punching them in the face is a valid and prudent action and shooting someone for punching you after you stalked them isn't.

    You don't really need to try and "reason" with me in this thread anymore. I have zero respect for your view on the matter.

  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    One thing thats for sure. If America had more stringent gun controls then this woulda been a fist fight and nothing more. Zimmerman woulda got a sore head for acting like a cop following a guy. The fact Treyvon RAN away and Zimmerman followed to me is what means he shoulda got guilty for manslaughter. How you gonna CHASE a guy,kill him and be legally justified? The minute he chased after treyvon he was intimidating him and putting him in a state of fear and alarm. Id have punched zimmerman too,more than once. It wasnt murder but im firnly of the opinion it was manslaughter:bong2:

  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.


    Zimmerman " He just looked out of place from what they taught us at neighbour hood watch training " . Im saying nothing:smoke2:

    Quote number 2 - " I chased him to the clubhouse". Why? You were told to stand down. Get in your car and let REAL cops LEGALLY shoot and kill him:rolleyes:

    So he explains how he came to bump into Treyvon. He says tryevon appears asking if "you got a problem" then Zimmerman explains how he goes in his jacket pocket "looking for my phone".... im gonna hazard a guess and say its at THIS stage where TM hits him thinking hes about to get capped. The rest is irrelevant:jj:

    One thing that really bothers me about this is that Treyvon didnt give evidence to defend himself.It dont matter now but can you imagine he woke up in jail today. He'd be wishing he gave evidence:2c:
  8. Ashley Schaeffer

    Ashley Schaeffer Germinating

    jesus, so it's perfectly acceptable to just attack someone because you think they are following you? And preserving your own life is wrong if you're attacked? If the kid was "protecting" himself from the big evil "creepy ass cracka" why didn't he run home or call 911? Attacking someone you think is after you is just fine, once you're sure they intend you harm but until that point it's an unprovoked attack, legally and morally. And stricter gun laws? Really? I'm going to assume you're in the UK, home of stricter gun laws. Do criminals not carry guns there still? All stricter laws do is keep folks from being able to protect themselves, criminals still get guns. Anyone read that the IT guy that was tasked with retrieving all the info from Trayvon's phone was fired for testifying that there were deleted messages about a gun transaction on his phone? And the state tried to keep that evidence from the defense and fired the guy for telling it. So just by happenstance the kid was unarmed that night, a day later he might've had a gun too, 17, wannabe gangster with a gun that attacks before asking questions, not scary at all. Zimmerman had no way of knowing any of that but took his position seriously and wanted to keep his neighborhood safe. All he did was try to keep a visual on the kid so leo could swoop in and pick him up if he didn't belong there. The kid jumped out of the bushes on him and attacked. I sure am glad you guys aren't my neighbors because if anything happened you wouldn't see or do a thing. This 100% about keeping the NAACP happy and quiet. The kid was a punk that attacked the wrong guy, period. Zimmerman probably saved some little old lady from getting beat to death in a home invasion by his actions because all signs point to the kid being a thug
  9. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    I think manslaughter is reasonable. Life for murder is a bit much.
    TheApprentice likes this.
  10. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Theres a guy who loses his dog every once in a while around here..

    I think the guy is a major creepy the point where I feel uncomfortable when he's around.

    Sometimes this dbag is on my property at all hours of the night yelling for his dog

    I think he might be up to something maybe

    Soooo, if I confront him and he shows me some kind of aggressive posture....I'm allowed to KILL him??????????????

    CERTAINLY NOT, WTF people cmon now!!!! That's out of this world fucking insanityAdmin lynching
  11. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    The feeling is mutual. :thumbs-up:
  12. Ashley Schaeffer

    Ashley Schaeffer Germinating

    No that's not the same thing. You confront him and he attacks you then absolutely do what you have to do to live through it. Would any one of you let someone attack you and not react? Is survival not the basest instinct you possess? Nobody is saying shoot first or shoot because you can, only that protecting yourself if you feel you are in great danger is ok and look out for your neighbors because it's the decent thing to do, where's the sense of community

    Hank, if that's all you took away from my words then thumbs up right back at ya bud. I'd hate to be in Zimmerman's position but I'd hate myself for looking away while my neighbors get ripped off or worse.

    You guys bag on Florida's laws and yes, we have some damn harsh ones but do you guys understand what life is like here? We're the vacation spot for the rest of the world 24/7. People come here all day long and show their asses and do things that are completely unacceptable as if there are no laws. There is crime nonstop. It's not a black thing either, the average teen male is up to no good, sad but ture. I've had my house shot up because my daughter wouldn't give a guy her phone # so him and his buddies did a driveby "on that stuck up bitch" and that's what we deal with ALL THE TIME, those were real bullets, over a phone # and some pride. So yes, a suspicious guy acting strangely in your neighborhood is probably something to keep an eye on if you can stand to pull your head out the sand long enough to be alert
  13. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

  14. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    Yes, this.
  15. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

  16. Ashley Schaeffer

    Ashley Schaeffer Germinating

    Mostly good points, but here's the flaw, according to the "goblin" he was aware of Zimmerman watching him, at no point was he scared, he was on the offensive automatically. See we have this screwed up racism thing here where black means danger and white means pussy. So know I don't think for a second TM was scared at all. And I stand by my statement that TM should've asked what the problem was and tried to make sense of it before attacking GZ. And a punch in the nose hard enough to break it will stun anyone, one of the first things I taught my son for defending himself. If you think some crazy cracka is going to draw on you and feel the need to get away that nose shot would've afforded the need time to do that, not to mention the 4 minutes he had to get away if he felt scared, it sure didn't require getting on top of him and pounding his head into the ground. Stand your ground does not mean you can attack someone for following you, it mean if you're sure you're in imminent danger you may protect yourself. TM may not have been up to anything that night but he was not a law abiding citizen by any means. He may have changed his life or may not have but usually at that age the die is cast. Most of my nogood friends from my youth are just nogood adults now. I'll bet his brother wasn't anything like him at 17. Imo GZ should've loudly announced who he was and why he was watching TM but there's that split second decision again. Either way, the kid wasn't scared, physically he was not a "kid" and he chose to attack instead of reasoning or running. I wouldn't run either but I would get some answers first. People get these permits because they take their safety seriously. No matter how he got there, put yourself on the ground sucking blood with this guy on top of you dominating you, smashing your head in the ground over and over. if you had the gun would you not shoot? I'd be biting, spitting, whatever I could do to stay alive. If he intended to shoot then they would've never made it to the ground. Profiling, maybe but on numerous occasions all these crimes were commited by guys that fit the same description as TM and he was new to the neighborhood,becasue his Mom couldn't handle him, he was at his Dad's. And if your friends are smart they will be aware of everyone that gets near them, what happened to them is an everyday thing. And yes, community includes black people but descriptions are descriptions and unfortunately some stereotypes and profiles exist for a reason. 5 or 6 robberies by young black males, sees a young black male walking slowly through the rain, looking around at everything=acting strangely
  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

  18. Ashley Schaeffer

    Ashley Schaeffer Germinating

    Again, not trying to inflame anyone or be a troll, this whole thing just hits real close to home for me, as a resident of the area, a father, a neighbor, a man, an American, a human being and also as a former wannabe thug who grew up around here with guy's just like TM. I turned my life around but most I grew up with did not, that doesn't make me special or significant, just not a complete dumb ass. It's my opinion that while TM most likely was just going to the store, he reacted in the wrong fashion and was shot because he was trying to beat GZ to death for following him instead which is thug behavior instead of running/calling the cops/asking why, all of which would show a healthy respect for life and peace and would be the behavior of a normal person. He intended harm on GZ for following him. GZ on the other hand whatever he may be, was watching a suspicious person in his neighborhood (which was his position as neighborhood watch) and got attacked, shooting the person attacking him. He had no other option but to lay there and take it or shoot. Seems pretty simple from here. He did have the option to report it and go about his own business but doing so in the past had solved nothing so let's watch were this guy goes and then this happens. If someone's following e, I will ask why, if they reply something sensible it's cool, I understand. if they start talking gibberish or acting really weird and try to touch me then i'm tearing into them but i'm asking first

    valid points TA, I appreciate the debate,it's a good thing. I've tried to look at this whole thing from a legal standpoint and that's the way I see it, even if it were my son. TM ran but that doesn't say fear to me and probably not to GZ, it most likely said "getting away" to him, backing up his thoughts that TM was doing something wrong. It's a shame it happened but I'm sure a preppy college kid would've been a little calmer about the situation and not attacked.
  19. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

  20. Ashley Schaeffer

    Ashley Schaeffer Germinating

    TM took off running while GZ was still in his car after walking all the way around the car, that's suspicious and not scared, he did not run from GZ chasing him. The testimony was that he popped out of the bushes and asked "what's your problem", GZ replied "I don't have a problem" in shock because TM surprised him like that and reaches for his phone allegedly to which TM replies "oh you have a fucking problem now" and hits him in the face and continues to attack until shot. Do I buy the whole smothering and you're going die shit? No, nor the story that TM tried to grab the gun. But evidence shows the rest and the 911 calls back him up. I say even ifit were my son because I have a son that is 15 and I can compare him to TM in most way, attitude, choices he gravitates towards, getting kicked out of school for fighting and so on. My son rarely leaves the house without getting into a fight. If my son was in TM's position and reacted that way I would have to feel that he brought it on himself. I would hope he'd ask before trying to beat someone to death. Kids that age and demeanor are not scared of anything and being immature don't think ahead much. I love my son like nothing else in the world but facts are facts and if he died skydiving I'd have to understand that he made a bad choice. It's a sad sorry shame we live in a world where a 17 year old young black male wearing all black in the dark walking slowly checking everyone' stuff & homes out during a thunderstorm is suspicious but that's how it is. So if that makes it a racist issue then Gz is no more guilty of racism than anyone I've ever met, by contrast, his own witness told us how he felt about white people and from what she said his response was, he was not scared for his life. Don't forget, GZ wasn't sitting around looking for trouble, he happened upon a suspicious acting person in a neighborhood plagued by crimes perpetrated by others that matched TM's description and did what he thought he should do to help clean up his neighborhood, which backfired on him and almost cost him his life at worst and some serious injury at best

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