Fair enough,we both see it from different perspectives. I dont believe Zimmerman was racist nor intent on killing anyone. Hes as guilty as making bad choices as TM is and the moral of the story would be two wrongs dont make a right. I dont live there so dont know the terrain as well as you. Im happy Zimmerman wasnt charged with Murder cos that would be harsh. He got caught up in a moment and couldnt get out of it.It happens.Sometimes it results in some sore jaws,other times it results in a person being dead. But from the outside looking in it seems as if theres SOME liability there,he cant be totally within his rights in ALL that he did.But no he didnt merit murder IMHO. Manslaughter possibly. Murder gets thrown at every death not by natural causes nowadays. Theres culpability on both people at different points i admit. But Zimmerman was culpable FIRST. Thats the cruz of my argument. HE insitgated the events that led to the death of someone. The fact TMs not here to defend any of this means we go on the evidence.The evidence,and the direction from the Judge,suggest Acquittal was the only real option. Shit happens.Zimmermans gonna be looking over his shoulder for a time and he'll have his own issues to deal with. No one walks away from shit lke this scot-free. Its a sad story:jj: I'd only really shoot someone who COULD possibly shoot me though,i guess thats my position. Listen im ALL for someone being allowed to defend themselves,whether at home or out in the street,trust me i am. But if im gonna use potentially LETHAL force on someone then i wanna be sure my life is in danger beforehand. Having said that i wont argue,a few hits to the head can fuck you up aswell as your thought process and presence of mind. But still,he had ALL that time and couldnt ascertain whether TM had a weapon or not? By time he had started tailing TM until the time he gave chase he couldnt tell if TM was up to no good or not? This BEGS the question form here on in.... CAN PEOPLE LEGALLY GIVE CHASE TO SOMEONE FOR SUSPECTING THEY ARE UP TO NO GOOD? Cos if so they this is a dangerous precedent. Stand your ground should mean stand your ground.Not give chase then when confronted your allowed to stand your ground.Cos YOU have put the guy in a state of fear and alarm in the first place.Its like YOU have drove the guy temporarily insane with fear and adrenaline. Thats not zimmermans fault but id suggest that law maybe needs tweaked a little:2c:
From the time he first noticed TM until the time TM took off running he was acting suspiciously, like he was casing the area from what I understood of it. Then takes off running with nobody chasing him. Imo as the neighborhood watch guy he should be the one noticing stuff like that, wouldn't be worth a shit at it if he didn't. So from my point of view he did what he was expected to do as appointed by his HOA by deciding to watch TM from his car. The behavior and the taking off running is what caused him to get out and chase after with the intention of continuing to keep sight of the person that just acted very suspect. He had no way of knowing that TM hadn't just committed a crime or that he wasn't out of his mind on some substance and I believe one of the tapes he even states that TM was "acting like he's on drugs or something". All of these factors compelled him to act as he did. I did say he's overzealous. I wouldn't have left my car but then again I wouldn't be the neighborhood watch guy. So should you be able to involve yourself in what someone's doing if it doesn't directly affect you and be able to "stand your ground" if they attack you? That is tricky and needs to be decided on a case by case basis. In this case it seems to me like GZ did what was expected of him and got attacked for it and lucky for him he had a gun because he certainly isn't a fighter and that boy wouldn't have stopped until he couldn't get up. On TM's side of it, it's a shame he lost his life but he chose to attack the guy following him that doesn't look scary in the slightest sense instead of doing what is most sensible, running for home or hiding and calling the law because some creepy white dude's following him and that decision cost him his life. As racist as it may sound, we don't know what he was up to that night but we do know from actual evidence what he was up to most other nights. The kid was a thug plain and simple, what you see as a scared kid trying to defend himself, I see as the average aspiring dope boy to be that saw a "cracker" watching him and decided he was going to beat this "cracker's" ass and laugh about it later to his friends. I grew around here with the hard asses just like him and I promise you I didn't fear ANYTHING at 17.
Ok maybe im not good at expressing kinda the way i see it.I have tried though. Heres something that just appeared on my facebook feed from "the other 98%" FB page. Its from a UK newspaper called the guardina and by a black American jurnalist.Its wishy washy in parts but on the whole i agree with the sentiment.Peace:jj: /monthly_2013_07/TM1.jpg.3b6cc89daf4d7aed3f58125cc5f2a92d.jpg /monthly_2013_07/tm2.jpg.8c07a0a32a195fb23446e81836b6a67d.jpg /monthly_2013_07/tm3.jpg.7b35b649c898f8e05ab0d98f8cae100e.jpg /monthly_2013_07/tm4.jpg.80c4f5363b3b43b6e43d1b7eec0b7e5f.jpg /monthly_2013_07/tm5.jpg.c93ca447d9db5a37db41759a52841a4e.jpg
App, you pretty much answered all the bullshit scenorios and have pointed out what 100% of the people I know or grew up with would have done. How can anyone buy into the " but he looked suspicious" or "I thought he was up to no good" or "well he deserved it. He was punk". If TM was my kid, I would be on trial for killing Zimmerman. I wouldn't shoot him because that would be to quick and all this gun debate would start all over again. I'd probably beat him to death. OR I could start up a campain on banning steak knives. On a different way of thinking....have any of you been "profiled" before? I have been my whole life. People always thinking your something your not. Getting pulled over and checked for no reason at all except how you look or what your riding? It isn't fun and you get pretty fed up with it. You tend to re-act to things differently. Life has some harsh lessons to be learned. If you haven't learned them or have never experienced them, what you say you would do and what you actually do are two different things.
Absolutely.None of us know what we would do in any given situation. If this Zimmerman shit happened two years ago then maybe id be on Ashley & Nippies side of the fence. Im giving Zimmerman the benfit of the doubt in several areas but i cant get away from the fact it only happened cos he gave chase when asked not too. I dont see this is a race issue between zimmerman but its obvious theres a race issue to the whole trial.Its also obvious Zimmerman stereotypes all blacks as one and the same and acting suspicous. It wasnt murder,but it was manslaughter and thats pretty much all i have to say on it.I dont care if the guys free or in jail.Just calling ot the way i see it with no hidden agendas. Just keeping my opinion real.Like i said,sad story but if Treyvon is not blameless then neither is Zimmerman:jj: /monthly_2013_07/tm6.jpg.b9bffaad91c407b16e3c91943dcfd7c3.jpg /monthly_2013_07/tm7.jpg.110e6a3cf6557f0eed0f5a63d6babb01.jpg /monthly_2013_07/tm8.jpg.29590dd421d8eb8f3e4f5d43cf251dd3.jpg /monthly_2013_07/tm10.jpg.ac919d15614f377abe671f4cae3f2226.jpg /monthly_2013_07/tm11.jpg.46dfc7a313fa3246555dec0a1e49a0b8.jpg
I dont actually lol. I can type like a mother fucker which is why every few sentences theres a letter missing or a word typed the worng way round. Cant remmeber how many words a minute i can type but last time i took the test online i was scoring in the 50-60 words a minute. Im one of thse guys who just types and posts...THEN sees all my mistakes lol. The memes are made in 2 seconds flat simply by typing in your own caption too. Besides i like a good debate.Dont mind hanging around till iv countered an argument:bong2:
Jesse Jackson is a fucking idiot. That is all:bong2: http://www.bizpacreview.com/2013/07/16/jesse-jackson-calls-on-un-to-investigate-zimmerman-case-79797
Jackson, Sharpton... they're all racist, riot-inciting idiots. That video was cool. It's nice to see a brother actually speak the truth :thumbs-up: That being said... there would be no 'issue' if that jackass didn't get out of his vehicle in the first place. Did you see the interview where his brother said they're worried about his brother's safety... "vigilantes taking the law in their hands". :rofl6:
Whoa, whoa, whoa.....WTF man! Im hung like a brother, that's bout it jack!!!:thumbsup: meanwhile, that dude spoke from the same damn things I think, as I drive by the hood goin to work this week....good stuff tho
Yeah, not all "people of color" use the race card to do what ever the hell they want. There's good people in all races and there's a bunch of assholes in all races.
:thumbs-up: I work with 2 black tech's. One's old enough that he's been in Nam and the other is a few yrs. younger than me. Both from the mean streets of Philly. They're both in recovery, but still, they're very cool and ppl I'm proud to call friends.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/17/rachel-jeantel-huffpost-live-interview_n_3610921.html Jeantel now says Trayvon hit first, and her story changes once again.
just from listening to the one juror, you can tell she isn't the sharpest pencil Im still shocked that it was all female jurors....that's the biggest demographic of "whos the most afraid of black men".....just seemed waaaaay odd to me that they got selected and Zimm got off scott free, just anotherdetail that doesn't add up fully
CC, or it could be that Zimm was telling the truth and all the evidence supported that. The more you read about the case the more you have to lean towards that stance. Everyone has this preconceived notion that it was about race. Well the lawsuits are filed because noone but the media and JJ and AL made it about race. You guys remember right when the case started, the media changed the audio and edited out important part of the 911 call? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2013/07/14/zimmerman-lawyer-to-move-asap-against-nbc-news/ or when they said Zimm said coon during the 911 call and it turned out he said punks http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2012/03/22/cnn-isolates-audio-of-zimmerman-911-call-racial-slur-now-very-likely/ Or how the media said there were no injuries to Zimmerman originally, whne clearly they had photos and video showing injuries, they just didn't think it would sound as good as as a white man hunting down a little black boy http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/enhanced-video-shows-zimmerman-head-wound-trayvon-scuffle-abc-article-1.1054625 Or how the prosecutor kept evidence from the defense team http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/13/19457593-it-director-who-alleged-evidence-withheld-from-zimmerman-defense-fired Or we can go into Trayvon's actual background if you'd like also http://www.wftv.com/news/news/trayvon-martin-cellphone-photos-school-records-rel/nXz36/