Do you think Fema is wacked?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Justcheckingitout, Nov 9, 2017.

  1. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    So, i live in Fl and got plenty of dammage from one of the last 3 hurricains, my beef with fema is i never get any help from fema and lots of people get free rent, food, new roofs, fences, porches, the list goes on and now anyone who wants to leave rico and get free flight and free place to stay in u.s., food and more, but they dont pay shit in taxes to get free shit over here in states and deserve all that IMO, now I can see helping out a person in need no matter who it is or where they are from, but it just seems overboard when not everyone is treated the same when the hand is out. I guess i am just pissed I paid taxes here in US for over 35 years and didnt even get free lube when fema dicked me.
    GrowKing likes this.
  2. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    Anytime the federal government does something not mentioned in the constitution, not only is it unconstitutional, it is undoubtedly corrupt. Fema is just another way, amongst many, for 'friends of the elected' to benefit from disaster. You'd be surprised how not free our market is when government entities get involved. It's a circus.

    We are Rome. :pimp:
  3. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    sucks when all you do is pay and never get anything in return. Puerto Rico is so corrupt they prob just pocketing the money.

    for some reason people like you shouldn't get help so we can pay for an island that has ruined themselves over the past 100 years.

    But then again, I don't hold my breath when it comes to anything with the government, you know it's fucked up and youll get fucked in the end.

    I hope you get your roof fixed quickly and cheaply and have some big ass harvests to pay for it
  4. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Yeah, everyone with out insurance gets big checks, i got insurance but they lowball my dammage and dont want to take even home depot estament, plus my deductible is over 5,000 g now. Everyone that lost power got a rent or morgage payment, most off the state was getting 500-800 plus for food. But I got nothing. Its kinda of funny now I think about it. I pay taxes and insurance and have to pay out of pocket to get anything plus it will take forever, everyone thats got fema checks already getting new roofs and stuff.
  5. Serenity420

    Serenity420 Begun Flowering

    That sux mansorry to hear, i used to live in fl for about 5-6 years, i still got friends down there. Was right on the weat coast too, hernando/dunnelion area.there going through similair circumstances as well.
  6. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I am moving out of this place. Its turning into a shit hole. Now 5,000 people a day are showing up in each county, do the math. Free trip, housing, food, cash for other stuff. Now tax payers here in FL are getting hit for the long term bill. Fuck this. My rican neighbor has no insurance because hes plain scam man, and fema just gave him a check for 14,000 to fix his roof. He told other neighbor "I dont speak english or pay for insurance and I get all kinds of stuff" I guess I can be glad my taxes are going somewhere...yeah fuck this.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2017
  7. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

    Where have you considered going to ?
  8. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Well, i am not sure. Lol. Just where i live is really gettng to be a shit hole, i know alot of places are like that but still places where its better i am sure.
  9. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    I got about 100,000 i could get out of my house, that would make a great down payment somewhere.
    bigbudztoo likes this.
  10. bigbudztoo

    bigbudztoo growin the good stuff

    i hope it works out for you. Sometimes a fresh start is a good call.

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Fuck dude, that sucks big time!!!!! Sometimes working hard and paying your fair share won't get ya shit in this fucked up system. Man if you do decide the bolt from there I hope the housing values have not gone down. Considering the potential decline in the neighborhood. Good luck dude!!!
    Be Cool, CG
  12. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    I vote Oregon or alaska...but I'm biased like CNN :pimp:
  13. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    140,000 people from P.R. being put up so far since the storm just in my area countys
  14. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    Sounds like the typical American way. Help everyone else but screw our tax payers. If it was only feasible to get all actual tax payers to strike on taxes.
    I just drove through the keys and there aint shit goin on there, garbage and debris piled high beside and in between roads, in the mangroves, houses and trailers turned over and demolished, appliance grave yards 75 ft tall half the size of a football field.
    Fdot went in for a short time, pulled out and told the contractors to do it. They say thats not part of the contract and quit working also. As of two weeks ago the hardest hit keys with the most damage and biggest piles had not had even a normal garbage pick up since the storm, imagine how high the taxes are in the keys, wheres there help.

    Lots of people are getting put up in hotels but no help with homes, talked to one old lady with 2 houses left to her when her husband died, insurance was i believe 8000 a month so she dropped it. Tornadoes hit both houses, her and her husband payed taxes there whole life and she gets no help.
  15. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    That's fucked up ^^^ but that's exactly why they say, you are subject to the consequences of your actions. Shitty, but that's life.

    I hope central Oregon doesn't flood...
  16. GrowKing

    GrowKing Member

    I think Trump is your problem. Now we have to prepare to do things on our own without help........
  17. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    Trump is just the puppet face the sheeple can point at, the problem is our system is corrupt and defunct and has been since before world war 1 but was FUBAR after 1933 and the implementation of the federal reserve bank on behalf of the big 4 families...Grrrr...:smileys-passing-joint:
    bigbudztoo likes this.
  18. GrowKing

    GrowKing Member

    I have memories of fema failing, and then the fed govt came through. Red Cross too... you have nothing and they give you 300 bucks... Not to say I am not greatful, but it is not adequate.
  19. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    if you think the feds can pull anything off, you have a misplaced confidence in our system. always be prepared to take care of yourself. feds tell you to have at least 3 days of supply on hand, it should be more like a month. 3 day supply is for backpacks in case you have to leave home immed
  20. GrowKing

    GrowKing Member

    It took a year, but they helped me a lot. I did talk to the senator

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