Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by GrowerTony, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. GrowerTony

    GrowerTony Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    i wish you lived here to man so i can smoke a fat bowl with you
  2. TheObserver

    TheObserver Veggy Stage


    u know where westerville is?

    I do, poverty stricken, crank infested dump of a town.
    Most homes in that hood range from 45g's and down.

    Maples and **** 10 of em. Right?
  3. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead

    :roflmao: Nope no penis here. Sorry you missed my breastesses Pappy. Here...go back and look the thread over again...

    Tony...Don't talk about anyone elses IQ's until you learn proper english and spelling. That is the longest run-on sentence I have ever seen.

    Do you expect everyone here to jump at the chance of giving a complete stranger money? I can understand maybe if you were a known member of this forum, but you just kind of jumped right in and asked for dough. WTF? If someone really did give you the money, they have some issues. Whoever you are, I could really use a grand or so...

  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Thanks grl. :wave:

    Nice. ;)
  5. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Now I am REALLY fucking confused. If you are Wa's wife you have a second grow of your own without his help? Your plants look good,and all, but not like Wa's. I am bewildered.My head just exploded, I will now go clean up the mess. Nice Tits though.:ebert:
  6. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    if you are being serious SFC, weedgrl is not my wife. forget the emoticon I am LAUGHING MY FRIGGIN' ASS OFF. I almost just threw up. not that weedgrl wouldn't make a great wife, but i believe she posted a pic of herself a lil deeper in that particular thread. that's my wife on the first page. not weedgrl :biggrin:

    ooohhh that's funny man :lmao:

    :animbong: wa

    (Edited by wawona at 7:12 am on Oct. 20, 2005)
  7. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    good moses
  8. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Had we wondering there for a sec. I thought I saw weedgrls pics in the black bra and WA's wife seperate so I was like "what the hell, is she really his wife?? Daaamn"

    Personally WA, I find it to be none the least bit offensive of the pics you had posted on that thread. I'm more of a "behind closed doors" kinda guy myself tho. I'D **** if my wife brought home another woman for me to share with her. I think I'd nut before we actually got to work I'd be so damn shocked. I'm also a little on the "jealous/protective" side and don't want ANYBODY seeing anything below her neck :lmao:

    **** man, sounds like I need to go shopping. All that potential out there just waiting. Captain Toms, here I come. :roll:

    I just couldn't sit there and watch another man **** the hell out of my wife and listening to all the noise and seeing her expressions and **** like that. I'd end up snapping a neck or something. Then I'd be all self-conscience thinking "does she enjoy him better then me" crazy **** like that. I've always took good care of body and made absolute sure that when a roll in the hay comes it's gonna be a time to remember. Sometimes 3 hours is just TOOOO fucking long when your getting forced to run miles on top of hundreds of pushups/sit ups until you can't even piss you hurt so bad. Coming home and having sex is usually the least thing on the mind after something like that. I was a lot worse when I was in my teens, I could beat the **** out of any guy who ever showed a sign of wanting to talk to her. Fuckin psycho. I like the idea of 2 girls and (me) but the wife only wants me and her. I've brought up the subject but she just looks at me like I'm a fuckin idiot and gives me this shitty look. god I hate that fucking look!!

    Good **** tho WA. Maybe you could start your own website? or something, maybe for the "weed" aspect of the site and the "porn aspect", not saying you smoke dick or anything, clearing it up so theres no misunderstandings. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA


    ~edit~ almost forgot, Grower Tony, your the load your mom should have swallowed. Theres a reason they make condoms and birth control. DUH!! :dickhead:

    (Edited by HazeNHydro420 at 5:28 am on Oct. 20, 2005)
  9. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur that's too damn funny man.....

    you have to be pretty secure with yourself and the relationship to swing. for sure. I also know that she's going home with me at the end of the night. as is true with the other girls/couples we choose to spend our time with. I assume. :biggrin:

    nothing like taking your cock out of another woman and putting it in you wife's mouth.

    people got offended that i would say or do things like that with or about MY WIFE for god's sake. for the record: she's right here.

  10. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Anyone seen a movie called Gummo?
  11. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    Quote: from wawona on 5:47 am on Oct. 20, 2005 that's too damn funny man.....

    you have to be pretty secure with yourself and the relationship to swing.  for sure.  I also know that she's going home with me at the end of the night.  as is true with the other girls/couples we choose to spend our time with.  I assume. :biggrin:

    nothing like taking your cock out of another woman and putting it in you wife's mouth.

    people got offended that i would say or do things like that with or about MY WIFE for god's sake.  for the record:  she's right here.


    You've got it made my man. Made is the fuckin' shade with Sweeeeet lemonade, no wait, strawberry, strawberry cough that is, whoops

  12. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I bow in your presence WA. :punk: Its funny every guy I know that claimed to have pulled off the threesome deal said it didn't end up working out well. Seems jealousy always ended up rearing its ugly head. My wife will have nothing of it either. So I am hit. Swinging would be cool, but for me that would be more of a girlfriend type thing,not for the mother of my children, then again the oportunity has never presented itself. Attitudes,and people change. If oportunity knocks I just may answer the door.

    I knew I couldn't have missed that WA/Weedgrl. That is why I was like where in the **** have I been? Peace ya'll,and now back to bashing Tony:wink:

    (Edited by starfleetcommand at 8:29 am on Oct. 20, 2005)
  13. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead


    Quote: from wawona on 7:47 am on Oct. 20, 2005 that's too damn funny man.....

    you have to be pretty secure with yourself and the relationship to swing. for sure. I also know that she's going home with me at the end of the night. as is true with the other girls/couples we choose to spend our time with. I assume. :biggrin:

    nothing like taking your cock out of another woman and putting it in you wife's mouth.

    people got offended that i would say or do things like that with or about MY WIFE for god's sake. for the record: she's right here.


    Good **** isn't it Wa? Too bad we don't live closer as we are like minded...Do you belong to any swinger sites?

    Fish-Yes I actually own the movie
  14. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    ~Joins hands~

    Hey Tony!! I like the things ya dooo! HEY TONY!! If I could I would be you. Your the one and only grower. With no lights and no money. Nobody takes the refer and makes it


    Frosted nugs, are moooore then goood.


    ~releases hands and skips off into the sunset~

  15. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead

  16. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    WHOA WAIT!! Weedgrl, your a swinger too?? Damn we got all kinds of different **** coming out of the wood works these days. Crazyness. Today is full of suprises. Next thing you know GrowerTony will post pics of his grow that looks better then WA's and SFC's and even Nesta's!!


  17. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead

    :lmao: I don't think that is going to happen Haze. If it does, then we truly know the world is coming to an end.
  18. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Apocalyptic even....Heavens to mercatroid. I went back,and read that whole thread, and I previously had missed the whole middle part, GODDAMN I am tripped out.

    (Edited by starfleetcommand at 12:26 pm on Oct. 20, 2005)
  19. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned


    Quote: from weedgrl on 10:24 pm on Oct. 19, 2005
    :roflmao: Nope no penis here.  Sorry you missed my breastesses Pappy. Here...go back and look the thread over again...

    Tony...Don't talk about anyone elses IQ's until you learn proper english and spelling. That is the longest run-on sentence I have ever seen.
    Do you expect everyone here to jump at the chance of giving a complete stranger money? I can understand maybe if you were a known member of this forum, but you just kind of jumped right in and asked for dough. WTF? If someone really did give you the money, they have some issues. Whoever you are, I could really use a grand or so...

    Damn, girl. I looked for that thread mfor a 1/2 hour last nite, but couldn't find it. Thanks for posting it, weedgrl. :ebert:

    Told ya, Herb. :bigok:
    I think I would trade an entire harvest just for an hour with weedgrl. Leos are VERY passionate. :kiss: :biggrin:
  20. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I like to swing's mine.


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