Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by badlands, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. mickfoster

    mickfoster New Sprout

    My guess is 77
  2. Chris Pavao

    Chris Pavao Germinated

    My guess is 12
  3. blackomens666

    blackomens666 Germinated

    47 is the magic number
  4. herbalicetea

    herbalicetea Veggy Stage

    Ht esuspense is killing me
  5. beatnicknick

    beatnicknick Germinated

    14... i need this.
  6. Smoke and Pass out

    Smoke and Pass out Begun Flowering

  7. Smoke and Pass out

    Smoke and Pass out Begun Flowering


    Peace :animbong:

    Sorry double post
  8. bdub420

    bdub420 Full Flowering

    79...Man these would be perfect for my setup
  9. donkbird

    donkbird Guest

    I'm going with 25 thanks
  10. Jake

    Jake A Fat Sticky Bud

  11. Jake

    Jake A Fat Sticky Bud

    I'm trying to send in a guess and it won't put my post up. Hmmmmmm anyway I'll try again 13!
  12. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

  13. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

  14. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned


    Quote: from MisSativa on 8:01 pm on Oct. 14, 2005

    Not your chest size, MisS. :LOL:
  15. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

  16. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    :LOL: Good one Pete.
  17. Rockon

    Rockon Germinated

  18. dru

    dru Germinated

  19. Dazechain

    Dazechain Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    I would certainly be interested in bein' a test plotter for yer' aforementioned here's my stab at a guess...


    .....blendin' 31.....:baked:DC
  20. LetricBud

    LetricBud New Sprout

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