
Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by badlands, Oct 11, 2005.

  1. badlands

    badlands If Not Now When?

    You won the seeds contest now claim your prize,PM me with your shipping info>>>.
  2. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I am all set with seeds. But I will donate them to the first responder to this thread. Fair enough?
  3. Doper

    Doper New Sprout

    whats up
  4. Doper

    Doper New Sprout

    so do you want me 2 pm you badlands, damb this is cool, some bad ass akxlr strain.  

    (I just had an orgism):cool:

    (Edited by Doper at 4:09 am on Oct. 11, 2005)
  5. eise8505

    eise8505 New Sprout

    can u guys share some please? if not, it's cool.
  6. badlands

    badlands If Not Now When?

    Yeah Doper PM me with your shipping info, very generous STF>>>.
  7. badlands

    badlands If Not Now When?

    sise8505 I will be having some more contest for thses seeds just keep watching the beginners lounge and you might be growing this bad ass strain as well>>>.
  8. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    Mighty damn decent of ya SFC! :bigok:

    I figured you would want to try out this strain though.

  9. badlands

    badlands If Not Now When?

    Hey Snickle PM me so I can send your seeds to Ya>>>.
  10. snickelfritz

    snickelfritz Weed College Hall Monitor

    PM sent.

    I tried e-mailing ya 3 times... Dunno why they didn't make it.

    Let me know if the PM made it.

  11. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    damnit, I'm never gonna catch this stuff. Why does life hate me so much? LOL, ****! Missed like 2-3 times already, :sigh:


    (Edited by HazeNHydro420 at 8:42 am on Oct. 11, 2005)

    can't spell either

    (Edited by HazeNHydro420 at 8:51 am on Oct. 11, 2005)
  12. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I have all kinds of seeds on my plants right now. Plus I have seeds left from my last order. They only last for so long.I figure I will at least have to grow some of my own crosses on the next grow. If someone else is in need of seeds right now I would just as soon give any seeds I have won to them. Peace.
  13. Rockon

    Rockon Germinated


    Quote: from starfleetcommand on 12:26 pm on Oct. 11, 2005
    I have all kinds of seeds on my plants right now. Plus I have seeds left from my last order. They only last for so long.I figure I will at least have to grow some of my own crosses on the next grow. If someone else is in need of seeds right now I would just as soon give any seeds I have won to them. Peace.

    I need some seeds man. That'd be cool as **** if you even just sent me like 5. Get ahold of me PM if you're feeling generous.
  14. eise8505

    eise8505 New Sprout

    hey starfleet, if you can help me out with a few seeds i'd be very grateful.appreciate it if u can.
  15. MxMave

    MxMave Veggy Stage

    I would like some seeds ^_^ hahahaha. im a newb, id probs kill em all neway.
  16. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Sorry fellas. I should have not said lots. I have a few. A few that I also paid high dollar for. Obviously my plants that have been pollinated are not even nowhere near finished,And for them I have a long list of longtime growbro's that have dibs on them. I suggest you all pay DrChronics site a visit,and order some of his ,or Nirvanas strains,and get started. You can have a nirvana strain for around twenty bucks. I am confident everyone in here can come up with that. Peace. No more PM's P please.
  17. Nesta

    Nesta Full Flowering

  18. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Can I have some seeds please SFC? :biggrin:
  19. StashDaCash

    StashDaCash Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    lol me too
  20. StashDaCash

    StashDaCash Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    lol me too

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