kid gets beat up

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by imripped, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. imripped

    imripped Veggy Stage

    i went to a my local highschools football game friday night and a kid got beat up with a night stick and maced for havin weed. he tried to run, and that was dumb. but still they didnt have to beat him up and mace him and ****. this is pointless when is it going to be legalized?
  2. TheObserver

    TheObserver Veggy Stage


    This beautiful plant won't be legalized with an Admin like we have now. The Bush Admin.

    They are trying to win a war on drugs, and they are losing miserably, and have been for decades.

    Move to Canada...
  3. DCS reefer

    DCS reefer New Sprout

    yeah, canada or amsterdam
  4. therooster

    therooster New Sprout

    who the f*** would beat some one up cause he was carring? Could only be someone who has never smoked. As we all know, if everone smoked grass, violent crime would go down, and late night drive throughs and Quickie Marts would get 1000 times busy.

    Its amazing what Americans will tolerate and what we get offended by. Such misguided values.
  5. TheObserver

    TheObserver Veggy Stage


    canada or amsterdam

    VANSTERDAM=Vancouver Canada.
  6. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    blame it on bush. kike.
  7. herbman

    herbman Full Flowering

    Agrowguy is awesome!! I look forward to reading his posts!! :bigok:
  8. runzwsczrs

    runzwsczrs Begun Flowering

  9. Mazar

    Mazar Developed Alternating Nodes

    Agrowguy guy smells of urine.

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