Win beans!!

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Danno33, Oct 1, 2005.

  1. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    i jsut weighed up the chunk x lion...i stil have the chunk x stoup to harvest and dry now. i will post the dry pics with the final weigh very soon. Try to get your last estimates in asap.
  2. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    All right I'll put my guess in. I figure that your chunk x loin is 13.4 and your Cx S is 8.6. Still wouldn't mind seeing a last pic before I put these out.
  3. Dew Drop

    Dew Drop Begun Flowering

    So what's the news danno, how's the progress with the MJ. Don't leave me hanging man...... I need to know. HeHeHe... Help out a fellow GKer, I have too much time on my hands between working and going to University I'm always needing more thing to do...Grow [​IMG] you know how it is.... Peace.
  4. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Chocolate Chunk X Stupersonic = Dried 9 oz. 5g's

    Chocolate Chunk X Lion Heart = Dried 11 oz. 9g's

    Jack Herer X [​IMG]?[​IMG]?[​IMG]? = Dried 8 oz. 3g's

    (Edited by CanadianDAN at 10:14 pm on Oct. 9, 2005)
  5. Rockon

    Rockon Germinated

    Yeah Danno, what's the news? How'd you make out on the final yield?
  6. Rockon

    Rockon Germinated

    Yeah Danno, what's the news? How'd you make out on the final yield?

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