Growkind mug\'s.

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by novice grower, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. novice grower

    novice grower Germinated

    Just purchased a GrowKind chocolate mug. :biggrin:
    My wife broke the handle off my favourite tea cup that i have had for 8 year's! :bigcry:
    However,another member told me that you guy's have got merchandise for sale which i forgot about entirely. :erm:
    I hope it make's the trip to Australia in one piece!:eyes:
    When/if it does get here,i will hope to have many year's of tea drinking enjoyment from it ! :bigok:
    And i will alway's have something to remember my GK friend's by. :ebert:
  2. smokeabud

    smokeabud Germinated

    sure do .
  3. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Well I have a tee shirt but not a mug.  Yah you can buy anything from thongs to coffee mugs at the GK store.  The stuff is not expensive really IMO....and the shirts are nice. ;)

    Novice hope you get your new tea mug soon dude! :ebert:
  4. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

  5. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

    im learnin stuff everyday.

    if the funds go to the site ill get some stuff!

    ill get some stuff anyway!

    a GK thong? oh hell yeah!!!
  6. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned

    I never realized.

    I just bought a t-shirt, mouse pad [​IMG], & a tote bag for my Amsterdam trips.

    Thanks, NG, for the 'heads-up'.
  7. smokeabud

    smokeabud Germinated

    1 $ goes to GK , 1 $ goes to NORMAL . 4 $ for shipping . but its worth it . what i've learned from here . its worth a cup or thong :bigok:
  8. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Cool Pete...going to Amsterdam buddy?  Have fun!  :biggrin:

  9. Big E

    Big E Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Just bought me a thong :blah:
  10. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    :roflmao:@the visual of you men in thongs!  

    ....please say your getting them for your ladies! :erm:
  11. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

  12. Big E

    Big E Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    :roll: @ E in a thong...:lmao:....his junk would be everywhere except in the thong...[​IMG]
  13. novice grower

    novice grower Germinated

    Just checked to see what a thong was,as they are not the same item over here !!! :ponder:

    "Thong's" are kinda like sandal thing's that you wear on your feet over here ! :blah:

    And Big E,i hope they are made from hemp fibre,less risk of chaffing! :wink:
  14. Big E

    Big E Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    :LOL: @ng

    I hope they are to ng,Jersey why would i lie about a thing like that [​IMG]
  15. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    i don't drink coffee, tea, or any hot drinks but i just might get a mug anyway b/c the logo is too cool. they aren't listed anymore, but last year i ordered a t-shirt from the store. it's my favorite and i wear it all the time. SO many people ask me why it doesn't say Crush. :LOL:

  16. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    So they still sell them Dood?  Cool shirt! :ebert:

    :roflmao:@ "E" wearing a thong!!

    ...DUJ, if he is gonna sport that g/frd..then take a pic & blackmail him with it! Sorry "E" but there are just some things that are made for only girls to wear! Silly crack me up! :roll:
  17. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Until I get the money for a real mug I have a large red plastic cup that has Growkind written on it in black sharpie...geetoe...:pimp:

  18. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    jersey, either i got it from a different store i found through GK or they no longer carry the Cush shirt.
  19. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Thanks Mellow...I will inquire with the GK store..maybe they still have em..if not I will search the net! A frd of mine would love one of those tees. ;)

    SMOKEYtheBEAR Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    oops :lmao:

    (Edited by SMOKEYtheBEAR at 11:03 pm on Feb. 23, 2005)

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