Last Activity:
Sep 6, 2016
Aug 23, 2016
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Apr 18, 1989 (Age: 35)

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New Member, Male, 35

Just want to learn the correct way the first time Sep 1, 2016

Nomad was last seen:
Sep 6, 2016
    1. Nomad
      Just want to learn the correct way the first time
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  • About

    Apr 18, 1989 (Age: 35)
    I spent a lot of time alone. Travaling With my father who owned a construction businesss I being one of the only employees. Everything from subdivision development roads pit and Quarry work, reclaiming the land afterwards, being young and having most of your life sitting behind the controls of heavy equipment gave me alot of time to think my work week was around 80 to 120 hours every where from Las Vegas to Williston north Dakota. I started working full-time sophomore year in high school and senior year went to night school to make my days not as difficult.

    ::: if you made it this far in the dialogue then i would like to say i dont know when i started seeking knowledge with Wisdom but the more wisdom i gather the faster and more effective i can put knowledge to use i would really like some people to brain storm and explore new Concepts id prefer diy kind of people why pay money for what you can get for free or really cheep:::

    I have a unique gift and if you took the time to read this and would like to do the same thing over and over with slight modifications to achieve desired results id like the conversation it would be greatly appreciated moving all my life has left me with a lot more .. alone time then i desire but i dont fit in with Society i dont care about tv who the next singer is or the next big thing it brings no advantage or benefit to my time i look at life and knowledge as id rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it

    Ps I apologize for the lack of punctuation and spelling dyslexia ADHD and a few other beneficial hindrances have given me a gift that i wish to share with the right people

    Just because i lack in years and in some cases experience as well i will be the first one to admit because the wisdom of my elders did not fall in to def ears but an eager learned individual that would rather share and benefit the people that would improve around them and not greedily selfishly abuse knowledge. The one thing i dislike more then most anything is fals or misleading information. I will not give any and all i ask is know what you speak and speak what is true . I understand things and know the foundation of how things work ..example if you were to look at a car and a house you would see them as completely different things butt if you look past the physical appearances the tires are the foundation of a car the concrete is the foundation of the house but you can completely dismantled both a car and a house and make something completely different with exactly the same parts if you understand the makeup of something from the foundation up you can rearrange the pieces to fit your needs
    Some will understand most will not I beleave in peace befor love befor wisdom befor knowledge be at peace with your self for peace around you so you can know love within your self to express love arond ones self to expect wisdom to wisely seek knowledge but knowledge is the moast important for to know nothing would be a grim and lonely fate. But you would not know the difference to know nothing nothing nothing would truly not have an existence. I chose to exist there for i have knowlage and with knowing i chose
