I was just curious if AK would grow well in north america. What are some other potent strains with decent yields that grow good in the northern...
I am looking for a strain that grows well outdoors in michigan. I want a soft smoke that tastes fruity yet skunky. Something with a nice yield....
I have a blueberry girl still outside that started budding at the end of august. I let a small bb male pollenate her and then I killed the male....
Ok so I need something that will make my buds grow big and FAST. What is the best fert for this? Please give me your opinions. I need to know.
I bet there's a thousand questions like this but I want a direct answer from a michigrower. That's a michigan grower. I have 4 girls outside. 1...
I was drinking green tea last night and I was reading what was in it and there's supposedly a bunch of potassium. Then I got to thinkin', what if...
Are there any benefits of using a pot outdoors, compared to straight in the ground? Sorry if that doesnt make sense, im pretty high. I think you...
All i have for flower fert is this. How often should I feed to get maximum bud growth? Is this an alright fertilizer?
Could I take some bone meal and boil it up in water and let it cool then water my plants with it? Will that work as well as mixing it with the...
I have about 15 girls outdoors that I planted back in may. The tallest one is maybe 2ft tall while all the others are only from 10-16". There is...
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