Swine Flu...please read

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Administrator, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Weird shit is going on. I watch the TV commercials telling me "ask my Proscriber" (what...they aint "doctors, anymore? Now they're prescribers?) about So-and-So drug. Then six months later I see ads for class action suits for hundreds/thousands of folks who TOOK the So-and-So drug...and either died or got some god-awful side effect....

    WTH is going ON? Is the testing of new drugs a joke or what? They put them on the market too soon, without knowing the long term effects...then the lawyers clean up on the deaths resulting.

    Me...I told my doc I wont take ANY drug that hasnt been around for at LEAST 10 years.

    They got this anti-cervical cancer vaccine now and trying to give it to all young women. Are you KIDDING? That stuff may give girls cervical cancer...or something worse.

    Nope...Homey dont play dat. I aint taking no vaccines, PERIOD.

  2. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Dixie....with you on the cervical vaccine. Until that is around MORE then 10 years with no ill side effects, my daughter's will not be getting one. ;)

    Any drug that is new on the market should never be taken IMO unless your on your death bed with no hope, well if it would cure me then maybe and only if I was terminal.

    I do not like meds nor will take any except my normal ones I need to take for the Lupus. Other then that.... vitamins and organic remedies for the common cold. Swear by herbal tea's and things you can find in a garden or growing.

    I take fish oil/omega every day along with eating seafood.....does a body good and great for he heart along with LOTS of fiber. ;)

    But the shots I got as a child ......yes I do think they were necessary. Most of those childhood diseases are wiped out for the most part here in the states. ;)
  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    it aint the swine flu that kills its the antidote!

    Im with herb,from reading various articles online from TIME and newyork times aswell as other medical blogs it seems that influenza and swine flu vaccine TAMIFLU can cause more danger to your health than the actual swine virus itself:eek: Like lion says this swine flu aint even as big a killer really as the common cold,its hit the uk,an epidemic they say,well 16 or 17 deaths aint an epidemic....more ppl die daily from the common cold,17 ppl out of 80 million brits...hmmmm,dont think i'll be taking ANY govt vacines for rest of my life,iv had my TB jab as a teen and a tetanus as a kid aswell as the MMR,thats all i need,oh yeah iv been inoculated against hepatatitus a and b too but thats another story,lol.Peace:jj:

    July 17, 2009

    Potential Dangers Of Anti-Influenza Drug Tamiflu

    By innetent

    By Dr. Ben Kim on November 26, 2005

    I just read a disturbing article in the New York Times about recent reports of deaths and abnormal behaviour in Japanese children who were given the anti-influenza drug Tamiflu.

    [​IMG]Here is a summary of the key points I learned from this article:

    1. Tamiflu was approved for use in the United States in 1999, and in Japan in late 2000.

    2. According to Roche, the manufacturer of Tamiflu, of the 13 million prescriptions written for children worldwide, 11.6 million have been in Japan.

    3. According to documents prepared by FDA reviewers, 12 Japanese children, ages 1 to 16, have died after taking Tamiflu. Six of these children, ages 2 to 4, were completely healthy before getting the flu. In the words of the FDA reviewers, “it is concerning that six young patients died suddenly within one to two days after initiation of oseltamivir therapy.”

    4. Also according to the FDA reviewers, there have been 32 reported instances of “neuropsychiatric events” worldwide, with 31 of them occuring in Japan. These neuropsychiatric events include delirium, abnormal behaviour, and hallucinations.

    5. Two Japanese boys, ages 12 and 13, jumped from the second story windows of their homes after receiving two doses of Tamiflu.

    6. Two Japanese teenagers who died after receiving Tamiflu are thought to have committed suicide.

    7. An 8 year old Japanese boy had a frightening hallucination three hours after receiving his first dose of Tamiflu and rushed into the street outside of his house.

    8. There have been multiple reports of severe skin reactions in adults and children all over the world who have taken Tamiflu.

    Predictably, Roche has responded to this data by saying that “the reports of these problems were rare given that millions of people had used the drug, and that the problems might have been caused by the flu itself.”

    Roche has also said that “the death rate among children taking Tamiflu was only one in a million and that the rate of death and other problems was no greater than in children with the flu who did not take the drug.”

    If this is in fact true, then why take the drug in the first place? If the rates of death for children who take Tamiflu and children who don’t take it are the same, why take Tamiflu at all?

    Sorry for the cliche, but no amount of money in this world could persuade me to take Tamiflu or any other flu drug or vaccine. And you better believe that I’d do everything I possibly could to make sure that my own child is never exposed to such drugs. It amazes and saddens me to know that so many children and adults all over the world take drugs like Tamiflu thinking that they are perfectly safe and that they are doing something good for their health.

    Oh yeah and with guys like dick cheney and donald rumsfield owning mass shares in TAMIFLU aswell as other influential bilderbergers,does that not seem as if they like saddam did testing nerve gas on the kurds,a bit like america under the previous regime thought "lets drop this swine virus in mexico,it helps us reduce the global population by the 80% required of us plus we make lotsa money"...sounds dodgy to me:fingermad:

    Read on if you give a shit>

    Swine Flu: TAMIFLU, the Danger Drug – dont take under any circumstances

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    Isn’t it funny how

    Donald Rumsfeld

    has huge shares in Tamiflu and this is the governments number one choice for YOUR vaccinations if need be due to a pandemic.

    Read the following article and be shocked. I would not go near this Tamiflu at all. sounds fishy to me.

    Danger from the SWINE flu/Bird-Flu Drug?

    By Bryan Walsh/Tokyo Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2007


    A worker supervises the packaging of Tamifu, the drug that combats the effects of bird flu in humans in this undated company handout photo from Swiss pharmaceutical concern Roche Products.

    In 2004 a 17-year-old boy in the Japanese town of Gero suddenly ran out of his home and into the middle of a busy street, where he was struck and killed by a truck. In 2005 a 14-year-old boy Chiryu got out of bed, climbed the wall outside his parent’s ninth-floor apartment and dropped from the edge. And last month, in two separate incidents, a 14-year old male and a 14-year old female fell to their deaths from their respective high-rise apartment buildings. No one left a suicide note.

    What they have in common is that each victim took the influenza antiviral Tamiflu shortly before they died. According to the Japanese Health Ministry, 54 people have died after taking Tamiflu — the drug governments around the world have stockpiled for use against avian flu — since the drug was approved for use in Japan in 2000. Most suspiciously, in multiple cases people, including those cases above, acted erratically after taking Tamiflu. Though the Health Ministry has said there is no clear evidence linking Tamiflu to the deaths, there is growing concern among doctors and parents in Japan over the drug’s possible side effects. That is potential cause for concern in the rest of the world, because in the absence of a vaccine, Tamiflu will be the drug of first and last resort in the event of a pandemic.

    The anti-Tamiflu forces in Japan are led by Dr. Rokuro Hama, an epidemiologist and internal medicine specialist who heads the Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance, a medical industry watchdog. Hama believes that Tamiflu can directly cause temporary neurological disorders in a small percentage of users — especially young people. That can lead to abnormal behavior, such as a seemingly happy, healthy teenager suddenly deciding to leap off a high-rise apartment building. Hama also notes that the Tamiflu doses taken in Japan can be as much as 10 times greater than the normal amount taken in the U.S., which could aggravate the side effects. “There is no possibility whatsoever” that there could be another cause behind the Tamiflu deaths, says Hama. “Ultimately it should be taken off the market.”

    But according to the Japanese Health Ministry — and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — the side effects that Hama has seen are more likely caused by influenza itself.

    In rare juvenile cases influenza can cause brain inflammation — encephalitis — that can lead to neuropsychiatric events. In fact, it was in Japan in the mid-1990s that pediatricians first began reporting such cases, which led to intense nationwide surveillance of pediatric influenza.

    Hama notes, however, that it was around that same time that Tamiflu became widely used in the country. (Tamiflu is taken far more often here than in any other country; Japanese doctors prescribed the drug 24.5 million times between 2001 and 2005,compared to just 6.5 million prescriptions in the U.S.)

    Cases that included neurological side effects seemed to spike at the same time that Tamiflu prescriptions rose in Japan. Nevertheless, it is possible that the side effects accompanied the disease and that more such extreme cases were seen because doctors were looking harder.

    That hypothesis was bolstered by a Ministry of Health study last year that investigated 2,800 influenza cases and found that virtually the same percentage of victims showed abnormal behavior whether or not they had taken Tamiflu. Still, the recent spate of suspicious deaths was enough for the ministry late last month to issue a general warning that influenza can cause psychiatric problems.

    For its part the FDA last autumn reviewed 103 cases of neuropsychiatric events associated with Tamiflu use — 95% of the cases came from Japan — and concluded that it could not conclude whether the events were due to the drug, to influenza or some combination of the two. But the FDA did point out that the sudden suicide attempts seen in Japan were quite unlike most cases of influenza-induced delirium, and registered concern that there could be a spike in neuropsychiatric events in the U.S. if American usage of Tamiflu eventually matched the levels seen in Japan.

    The FDA has required Roche, the Swiss company that makes the drug, to put a caution on Tamiflu labels urging patients, doctors and parents to look out for strange behavior in anyone taking Tamiflu. Roche accepted the label change but, said a spokesperson, �these events are extremely rare in relation to the number of patients treated.� The company reiterates that none of the cases were linked to Tamiflu.

    If Tamiflu were only needed for normal, seasonal influenza, this debate wouldn’t matter outside Japan. In most Western countries Tamiflu, which can speed up recovery from the flu by a day or so at most, has barely been used. It’s only been in prescription drug-happy Japan, where the government effectively made Tamiflu free, that the drug became popular before bird flu made it a household word. But because Tamiflu has been one of the few drugs to show effectiveness against H5N1 avian flu, it has become the key pharmacological component in international pandemic preparation plans. If a pandemic were to strike tomorrow, tens of millions of people could soon be given Tamiflu.

    So while it is unlikely that the drug will be withheld due to the nebulous concerns out of Japan, the uncertainty only adds to the long list of worries that scientists, bureaucrats and politicians must prepare for in case of catastrophe.

    With reporting by Michiko Toyama/Tokyo

  4. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    I like how the article tries to imply the false origin and the drop of the term swine flu. The reason they dropped the term swine is because of damn religous fucks, alot of hindi, muslim, and jewish people were complaining saying that the swine/pig is a filthy animal and to say anyone has "swine" flu is demeaning and calling them a dirty, filthy, diseased animal.

    It' was referred to as swine flu because it is more common among workers in the industry. Normally people don't contract it unless they work in direct contact with pigs. The H1N1 is the descendent of the spanish flu. Not worried about it, more people dye from the regular flu every year.

    Manditory vaccination doesn't sound like a good idea because people should be able to choose themselves.
  5. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    Basically, because it's cheaper to pay wrongful death suits than to do years of research and safety testing.

    If too many people start dropping off, they recall, and try again under a new name.

    They are testing it. On you!! :icon_confused:
  6. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    By all means...take the shot then. :thumbsup: I've done a lot of research (as I always do) and everything I'm seeing tells me this is for real and not just another conspiracy theory. Don't believe me...go find out yourself.

    I myself don't trust our government and will question everything they say or do. So far their track record proves my reasoning....they have and will continue to lie to us. Not only that but they use us as lab rats and treat us as sub-human. They could care less if millions die...that's what they want.

    For those that wonder 'why?'...here ya go....read this document.

    NWO De-Population Document

    Maybe it's all bullshit, but are you willing to bet your life on it and allow them to put something into your body? Think about it. I'm simply trying to get people to be aware. In the end you must make up your own mind as I have. I was right about the financial collapse.....we shall wait and see if I'm right about this too. :icon_scratch:

  7. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    They've already absolved the manufacturers of this vaccine from any type of legal repercussions.

    Here's an old 60 minutes clip on the 1976 swine flu and the damage the vaccine had on people. It happened then and it can happen again....only this time they are covering their asses. Follow the money people...follow the money.

    CBS 60 Minutes: 300 death claims from 1976 swine flu vaccine, only one death from flu

    Joe.....you wonder what will happen if you refuse to have your kid vaccinated? Here ya go buddy. They are preparing for that as well. Maybe it's time to home school?

    Health Care Bill Will Fund State Vaccine Teams to Conduct
    ‘Interventions’ in Private Homes

    In any case....the race is on now. The elite that wish to enslave us all are on a fast tract with their agenda. If you think it could never happen in this day and age then you've been effectively brainwashed. Things like this have happened al through history and the same rules apply now. A time is rapidly approaching when you'll have to fight for your life and the lives of those you care for. Live in the matrix if you must, but I prefer freedom myself.
    TheApprentice likes this.
  8. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Controlling us and other theories aside, here is a general point: Modern medicine is not god, and just because we have a cure for something doesn't mean you need to take it, more so without having the disease.
  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Here's one that backs up those that think this is all about $. I think it's about both money and population control myself. Two birds...one stone.

    Drug Companies To Reap Swine-Flu Billions
  10. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I agree Lion. Case in point.....I have refused a tetanus shot for a long long time now. I've been cut, poked and everything else by rusty crap and still no problems. I think it's all BS myself. Our bodies have an amazing ability to fight disease if the body is healthy. If people aren't healthy then I see a need maybe, but even then I question it. Besides....modern medicine has led to over-population...is that a good thing when it means that now there's a possibility that millions if not billions may starve to death? We are NOT gods yet we like to think we are. Our causes can't see their effects sometimes.

    For those that want more info on Swine flu...here are some more articles to read.

    WHO stops giving global swine flu tally

    UPDATE 1-US to spend $884 mln more on swine flu vaccine

    All will need vaccine: WHO

    WHO says health workers priority for H1N1 vaccine

    Swine flu vaccine rushed through safety checks

    Every British Person Will Get Swine Flu Vaccine

    Swine flu shots at school: Bracing for fall return

    Florida prepares for huge swine flu shot program
  11. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Here's the article talking about how these companies have been given legal immunity.

    Legal Immunity Set For Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

    Ifthey are SO sure their product is safe....then why not hold them accountable? Smells fishy to me.
  12. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    i hear ya man!

    :passit:haha,ah herb man,reading your posts with links to stuff iv recently read and reading what you posted was like some fucker doing my posts for me,lol,i am so against ANY form of mandotory id cards with biometric scans that the uk have now scrapped i hope:icon_confused: ,they contain retinal,fingerprint and a barcode system where they wanted to insert a minute chip in our bodies ,the uk ppl aint taking that shit,lol,but i see the bildebergers puppeteers aint giving up...they stated long ago their aim was to reduce the popuklation of the earth by a fuckin huge 80%:fingermad: aye right ye are pal,no fuckin way,thats like saying lets get rid of all without billions of cash,these cunts are rat bastards who run our nations and the global instituions i swear,i aint gettin no jabs,i'll sit tokin till the hype and numbers die down:smokin:Peace guys:ebert:
  13. Psycho D


    dunno 'bout you ffolkkkkkks. Phillies. fuck it.

  14. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    I've made my stance on this issue clear in the past. I'm going to try and lie low first, then try to bribe the medical staff or find a sympathizer to get on record without the jab. Though there could be RFIDs or SOMARK (http://somarkinnovations.com/technology/) ink in the vaccines, it which case I'll have to make the hard choices based on the situation...
  15. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Thats for tattooing barcodes onto lab animals. It wouldn't be "in" the vaccine, they would have to give you the vaccine then stamp you with the tattoo gun, they can't integrate that. You can't just scan your veins and pic it up in circulation, it's just like the barcode on your loaf of bread.
  16. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    It's just sickening the way they gloat about how simple and easy application is.

    I found this earlier this morning.


  17. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    I was thinking more like as part of a "gun/cartridge" delivery system (don't know the technical term). The cartridge would contain the vaccine as well as the SOMARK/RFID that would be simultaneously implanted subdermally. Not literally IN the vaccine.

    Strictly to keep track of stats for our safety against this pandemic, of course.
  18. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Thank GOD the RFID is being scrutinized by top tech people. One dude sat around in his car in Cali and found out as much personal information as he needed from the new passports and IDS that are being put out there with that technology.

    Even though they can't make anything like that micro enough to go into a shot, YET (or cost effectively), hopefully it will be shot down by those Good-Guy hackers out there showing us how easy it is to take this shit down by simple electronics that are cheap and with basic techniques (I am talking an antenna, a computer, and some basic software).

    Nothing like having something like a credit card actively broadcasting information to the the general public 24/7. Great idea government.
  19. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Yea they could do it that way if they wanted, just not the opposite.

    A little off topic, but I had done some reading on this not long ago. What has confused me is that they are tattoos with specific patterns and is safe for human consumption yet some people are trying to say that they could track things like e. coli and food contamination through it. I just want to know how they think that's possible if the scanning depends on the pattern. It says the gun has an array of needles that changes the pattern for every injection to differentiate between them.

    Lion, they already do. That's what we are talking about.
  20. TheFomorian

    TheFomorian Neo-Shaman

    That's one of the things many survivalist types don't take into account. Should this whole NWO thing go down, there are going to ALWAYS be outlets for counter technology.

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