petition for investigation

Discussion in 'Politics' started by arcadia ego, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. arcadia ego

    arcadia ego Germinated

    hey everyone,

    I'm not sure if this will be of interest, but check out the site and decide for yourself.  I don't know why an independent investigation of the connection of high ranking officials to the torture has not yet already begun, but whatev.

    Call for a Special Prosecutor to Investigate U.S. Torture
  2. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

    **** them dunecoon fuckers.

    what comes around goes around.

    awww poor little detainees, they can dish it out, but they dont want to take it.

    if you dont agree thats ok, wait till they have you pinned down with nowhere to go, rounds flyn by your head, wait till you have to carry a friend away dead, then face his parents.

    im sure their attitude would change real quick.

    theyre just riding the sympathy train.

    what,,, they can fly our planes into the trade center and kill thousands, but we cant give a little back?

    they werent kickn the detainees asses, they were kickn iraqs ass.

    what comes around goes around, and you have sympathy for them? people, dont be so easy to forget who we are.

    (Edited by BelowMe at 10:53 am on Feb. 21, 2005)
  3. arcadia ego

    arcadia ego Germinated

    don't be so sure about my attitude

  4. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

    no not yours.

    the "general" attitude the media portrays i guess.

    i shoulda been more straight. its the PTS, thats why i stay outta politics forums.

    i edited one word, so it doesent sound so direct.

    sorry bout dat.
  5. SD

    SD Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Below theres a reason its illegal and the reason reaches far beyond the bounds of simplicity... (hey that was an overboard statement even for me:LOL)

    Anyway, I believe some of the top ranking officials are aware enough to say "No Go!" as far as the torturing of Iraqi prisoners is concerned based on a few different scenarios

    1. You torture Iraqi soldiers expect a car bomb or two in retaliation and a beheading as well. This only puts our boys in more danger then they already are.

    2. Youre only kicking the ant pile by torturing them. These people are pride ridden enough as it is. Insult them by torturing their people they get enraged, enrage them expect converts to terrorism, converts to terrorism = more terrorism geared toward the killing of innocent civilians and United States soldiers abroad.

    Im with you on wanting to kick them around some. Its not like they have any mercy on our boys however in the long run is torturing these people helping us in any way by preventing terrorism geared toward our soldiers or civilians? I think we need to keep our cool in that aspect as best we can in order to prevent the pouring of more gasoline on the already out of control fire.

    And if youve ever noticed the type of people theyre nabbing for this torture theyre by no means the apitome of self control. In fact most of them look to have a screw loose, they arent even thinking about the reprucussions of their actions on their fellow soldiers. Not very bright.

    How many of our soldiers have died due to the retaliations based on the torture of Iraqi prisoners?
  6. outdoor grower

    outdoor grower Full Flowering

    anybody member that pic that agrow posted? :ponder:

    i hate them as much as they hate us, it wouldn't bother me a bit if we just killed em all.

    (Edited by outdoor grower at 4:29 pm on Feb. 21, 2005)
  7. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

    petition to grade iraq, and make the worlds largest water park.
  8. outdoor grower

    outdoor grower Full Flowering

    :LOL: or the worlds largest garbage dump, i wouldn't go to that god forsaken place even if it became the weed capital of the world.
  9. arcadia ego

    arcadia ego Germinated

    wow, you kids are harsh.

    I wouldn't go there because of all the depleted uranium we dropped on their asses.  Not unless I had one of those radiation suits that Marty had in Back to the Future. [​IMG]
  10. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Arcadia ego...what is your atitude then on the article?

    I have a few bones to pick with it

    Our clients who have been released from Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib describe a deliberate program of abuse.

    Of course they are going to cry fowl. I lay my money on it that they will go do much knock a head or two off.

    The Bush Administration has brought us down to a moral level unimaginable since the end of World War II, despite the fact that experts in interrogation know that torture produces bad intelligence and false confessions only fans the flames of hatred the world over and puts our own troops in danger.

    And i suppose we should have just kept our noses out of it eh? Let hitler kill all the jews? If I remember history, it says that our moral was pretty damn high after WW2 and the world loved us for puttin a boot in germanys ass.

    People like Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales must be held accountable for the dangerous policies they have put in place, but they will never investigate themselves.

    What for? Actually trying to get info to prevent another attack?

    Look...the arabs on one hand can rest assured that they are gettin their lil terrorists back. And our guys are get criminal penalties put on em. Do you think all the families of the beheaded get that reassurance?

    (Edited by Tiberon at 3:59 pm on Feb. 21, 2005)
  11. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

    true dat!
  12. arcadia ego

    arcadia ego Germinated

    As SD and the article pointed out, torture as a tactic is really counter productive. I don't have a problem with the article. Bottom line, torture is fucked up. People may say that it is in retaliation for 9/11 or the beheadings or whatever, but I can not rationalize it that way. The people on either side who have commited such atrocities have lost their humanity. Unless actions like these are what define being human. Sometimes I feel that way, when it seems like the masses participate in or accept such behaviour.

    I believe that the only way to decisively reduce violence in this world is to not be violent yourself. That being said, I'm not sure yet if I am a pacifist. :erm:

    I believe that this war and subsequently, these acts of torture, have nothing to do with preventing future terrorist attacks.

    On the side, I find it really amusing how we say 'they' and 'the arabs' and refer to the entire middle eastern population as one big homogenous group of anti-western terrorists. I don't know, maybe they are all the same. [​IMG]
  13. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

    everyone except our "lovely" neighbors to the north are anti-western terrorists.

    the only thing i feel sorry for, are the children.

    no matter where you are in the world, kids gotta be kids. they dont know the difference yet. well except at my house, then theyre sheppards for the devil!
  14. Professor ChumLeaf

    Professor ChumLeaf A Fat Sticky Bud

    Let me get this straight, torture has become the acceptable norm in gutting info out of detainess for the purpose of thwarting another 9/11...well, perhaps that would be of a productive nature if the ones you are torturing were the ones involved with Al-Qaeda and Osama, if not, say your an Iraqi prisoner of war, brought in early in the shock and awe campaign, and held without representation, until whomever decides they are done milking you for whatever they feel they can extract from you, rationalizing away methods used until the cows come home...

    Hey people, kinda time to wake the **** up, ain't it...

    1. None of the Iraqi detainees in Abu Ghraif are known to have had any involvement in 9/ what's up with that...why then is it necessary to strip these detainees down to their b-day suits and stack 'em like cheerleaders...and why might I ask are high-ranking officials side-fucking-stepping the issues...

    I say it is high time some fucking heads Rumsfelds for starters...and then once his ass is on the line...go after any of those high-ranking military fucks who think their **** don't news for them...limpdick...still stinks.

    PC aka DazeChain (DC) aka "The Hangin' Chad"

    Now go git' ya' some...wankers... ;)
  15. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

    The end, justifies the means.
  16. Professor ChumLeaf

    Professor ChumLeaf A Fat Sticky Bud

    Only in America...**** Bush...and his crony administration...

    and while we are talking torture...any fuckin' ideas on an "EXIT STRATEGY"...

    Torture this, Torture that...I don't want to hear 'bout this trivial spat attack over torture anymore until we have a clue as a nation as to how we get our soldiers home...endo' subject.

    PC aka Dazechain(DC) aka "The Hangin' Chad" ;)
  17. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I wouldn't even call that **** torture #1. If the media would not have put the pictures out for everyone to see, the nutcases wouldn't have had anything to latch onto. The tide is turning Hater's. The Iraqi's are getting "their" goverment together. Some problems can only be solved with bullets. I think you covered the bases pretty well Tib's,and Below. :wink:

    (Edited by starfleetcommand at 10:53 am on Feb. 22, 2005)
  18. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Dear PC

    Thank you for your recent criticizing of the treatment of the Taliban,Iraqis and Al Qaeda detainees currently held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and Iraq.

    TIbs administration takes these matters seriously, and your opinion was heard loud and clear here in Tibbytown. You'll be pleased to learn that, thanks to the concerns of citizens like you, we are creating the Terrorist Retraining Program, to be called the "Liberals Accept Responsibility for Killers" program, or LARK for short. In accordance with the guidelines of this new program, we have decided to place one terrorist under your personal care.

    Your detainee has been selected and scheduled for transportation to your residence next Monday. Ali Mohammed Ahmed bin Mahmud is to be cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded in your letter of admonishment. We will conduct weekly inspections to ensure that your standards of care for Ahmed are commensurate with those you so strongly recommended in your letter.

    Although Ahmed is sociopathic and extremely violent, we hope that your sensitivity to what you described as his "attitudinal problem" will help him overcome this character flaw. Perhaps you are correct in describing these problems as mere cultural differences.

    Your adopted terrorist is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can extinguish human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers. He is also expert at making a wide variety of explosive devices from common household products, so you may wish to keep those items locked up, unless you feel that this might offend him. Ahmed will not wish to interact with your wife or daughters since he views females as a subhuman form of property. This is a particularly sensitive

    subject for him. He has been known to show violent tendencies around women who fail to comply with the dress code that he considers appropriate, but I'm sure that over time they will come to enjoy the anonymity offered by the

    bhurka. Just remind them that it is all part of respecting his culture and his religious beliefs.

    Thanks again for your letter. We truly appreciate it when folks like you inform us of the proper way to do our job. Take good care of Ahmed and good luck!


  19. Professor ChumLeaf

    Professor ChumLeaf A Fat Sticky Bud

    gee thanks, Tibs...I don't remember signing up for that anywhere...but anything I can do for my runaway

    PC aka DazeChain(DC) aka "The Hangin' Chad" ;)
  20. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    :roflmao: Tibs. I think it will be a great learning experience for you Daze.:wink:

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