How damaging is false information or disinformation to the Cannabis reform movement?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Mr_Alex, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Mr_Alex

    Mr_Alex Germinating

    I have noticed on Facebook that there is a group called Marijuana/Cannabis makes you violent,not only they do misinformation on Cannabis but when they are confronted on their misinformation,they get downright nasty and calling people rapists,racists,nazis and etc and I belong to a Anti MMYV page on Facebook and there have been at least 3-6 people had been reported by MMYV to Facebook for so-called racism,this is where the hypocrisy of MMYV comes in,its getting obvious someone is either funding them to make sure Cannabis reform fails and also they enjoy laughing at people when they are denied Cannabis for any condition they have as a example they did laugh at a diabetic person who was posting a testimonial on their page exposing MMYV as a bunch of liars and sadists and they told the guy that MMYV hopes he goes blind and die,they also bully and troll people when they show honest science,MMYV is no different to the Westboro Baptist Church picketing at a soldiers funeral,basically what MMYV is doing is picketing at someone else's death bed who needs Cannabis,from what I just wrote,it seriously demonstrates what they are trying to achieve,to halt legalization and use disinformation to destroy Cannabis reform

    This link takes the person interested in seeing what MMYV really is:

    my question is if MMYV is trying to use Disinformation to wreck Cannabis reform and legalization,is there any way of countering them,surely some one has to be funding or backing them
  2. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Wow. Lots of crazy peeps in this world. :eusa_eh:

    No one likes bad information.
  3. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    Of course false information hurts any cause.
  4. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    MMYV is nothing more than a spoof website and I've never considered it anything more what it is, a joke. If I remember correctly the originator of MMYV got tired of keeping up the charade and came clean about a year or so ago.

    Anyway anyone who would take that information seriously is a fool.
  5. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Yeah like the daily currant and many many others. What's sad and funny at the same time is all the anti mj people who buy into the nonsense claiming how bad it is and it lowers your IQ, etc... So I'm just curious what their excuse is for not being able to use their brain to tell fact from fiction if their sober minds are that much more alert and focused, not clouded by drugs...
  6. Psycho D


    HAha, yeah as the others have alluded to, MMYV is a satire site. Epic trolls I think are actually pretty funny.

    So remember kids, stay away from those weed needles up your bum or you and your dogs girlfriend will DIE sad, alone and forgotten. :jj:

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    If they are representation of the opposition then we've got it made. These folks are fucking crazy and seem to go to any extent to promote their cause. When 'sane' people see that it's the 'insane' that are opposed they'll lean in the right direction.

    Be Cool, CG
  8. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    One of my personal favorites from MMYV :)

  9. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    You sure it isn't like "The Onion" magazine?

    Cuz that stuff just looks overly wild to me, cmon
  10. Mr_Alex

    Mr_Alex Germinating

    During last weekend some cannabis activists really went against MMYV due on Facebook to the fact they did tell someone with diabetes that MMYV hoped the person would get blind and die and they also mocked a mum who a child with autism and epilepsy and they really told her that MMYV hopes that child dies due to seizures
  11. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Welcome to the internet.
  12. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    What can I say not all Cannabis activists are as savvy as they should be. The same goes for the Police chief that testified that 37 people died of marijuana overdoses when CO legalized recreational use. Of course he was quoting a story from a SATIRICAL website just like the dumb fuck activist you mention...

    Personally I enjoy the site & think it's hoot.


  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    It's a satire site meant for gits and shiggles.

    That said.... disinformation, fear, distortion and outright lies are the ONLY things keeping medical cannabis illegal. Do you actually think if the folks working to keep Prohibition were intellectually honest and mature about the topic that we'd have any opposition left at all?
  14. Mr_Alex

    Mr_Alex Germinating

    I would say industry have a vested interest keeping Cannabis illegal,in the early 1990s New Zealand tried partial legalization and that was enough to get the breweries,oil companies,DuPont is also very big in New Zealand too and etc to run misinfo/disinfo campaigns on Cannabis

    and it took two months for the Government to back down on Partial Cannabis legalization and also the disinfo campaign in New Zealand.In the end a lot of Anti Cannabis groups got themselves exposed as well as some of the people who left the misinfo campaign due to unknown circumstances admitted that some of the Anti Cannabis groups who took part in the disinfo campaign were paid to spread disinfo,in the end a lot of anti Cannabis groups in New Zealand lost their funding due to the fact that some of the people who worked to make Partial Legalization a possibility in New Zealand went to the depths of exposing the Anti Cannabis groups and who really funded them
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I'm really starting to wonder if they have a serious agenda or just trying to make those opposed to legalization appear as stupid as they are. Surely no sane group would want to stand next to them for fear of "guilty by association".

    Be Cool, CG

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Yeah, those involved and invested in the smuggling and distribution make their money because it's illegal. The large scale criminal element has the most to loose in legalization.

    Be Cool, CG
  17. Mr_Alex

    Mr_Alex Germinating

    If New Zealand is to fully legalize Cannabis the way I see it,the young generation has to take up the fight and also the time is now and the anti Cannabis groups in New Zealand have failed to resurface due to the fact who their financial backers having been exposed a decade ago,most New Zealand people who heard about it are still not happy and for the last few years,a lot of people are pushing for full legalization
  18. Mr_Alex

    Mr_Alex Germinating

    They said they were serious and I know a few people on FB have been reported just for confronting MMYV's false science

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I personally don't have a Facebook and don't really want one. The wife and kids each have one and live on them. Hell, the youngest has made pages for the 3 cats and the damn dog.

    But, on those sites and setting you have to control the way you word things. There are those who are trying to piss you off bad make you appear hostile and violent and of course you want to say "fuck you stupid ass wipe". But "I beg to differ" or "I question your logic" would cause less problems. It would take a lot of self control that a lot of us don't have, me included.

    Be Cool, CG
  20. Mr_Alex

    Mr_Alex Germinating

    What I find overboard about them they would call people who use real science as rapists and pedos I know a few mates got that thrown at them,really questions if they are mature or not or if looking for a fight

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