
Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by geheim, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    (Edited by geheim at 2:50 am on Oct. 30, 2005)
  2. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    (Edited by geheim at 2:50 am on Oct. 30, 2005)
  3. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    Please explain this Bio-Mix you write about.
  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I would like to hear about it myself...those values are high for an organic fert.
  5. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    (Edited by geheim at 2:50 am on Oct. 30, 2005)
  6. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    Oh I see;

    It's not really a 12-12-12 thing Herb because those materials are not like chemical. They have to be broken down to provide the nutes.

    Actually geheim you are on the same path , kind of, as I.

    As long as my soil has a host of microbes whatever I add to it will be broken down.

    I allways try to add some carbon in relationship to the nitrogen and it seems to break down.

    I mean I will sprinkle coffee and or rice for the microbes to eat once in a while.

    I did find that Fish emultion can take a while to break down.

    It is possible to get a build up of fish emultion in the soil that is not broken down.

    I did once and I had fungus from too much fish.

    That fungus was hard to get rid of. I sprayed bleach water on new "blooms" for a long time. It liked to live on and traveled the drip lnes. Nasty weird stuff.

    I like to mix fish and brewed coffee. I have added fish, kelp, b1, some earth juice bloom and honey before.

    As long as the soil is healthy and one doesn't get too crazy a gardener can play with all kinds of organic materials.
  7. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    (Edited by geheim at 2:50 am on Oct. 30, 2005)
  8. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    Oh yeah , it sounds like you enjoy the soils and organics as much as me.. Cool..

    It's good to read about other gardeners trying different things.

    I found with organic materials the plants and microbes seem to handle ph swings. In fact in my dirt box it seems to correct itself naturally.

    I have 6.5 ph water here and the soil is always good.

    I like that.

    I thought to turn you on to a fish product since you mention the hydro as well.

    A snippit from their page:

    " Best Choice in Liquid Fish Enzymatically digested using a low pH, low heat process which insures that the natural organic compounds are left intact while eliminating bacterial breakdown. "

    " target="_blank">http://groworganic.com/item_F1....html
  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Why the secrets Gehime? :ponder: Don't trust us with your recipe?
  10. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    (Edited by geheim at 2:51 am on Oct. 30, 2005)

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