3 Plants Indoors

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by acom, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. acom

    acom New Sprout

    This garden was started as a medical marijuana garden.
    This is day 15.

    This is a garden of 3 purple bubba plants. This garden is kept as a personal log. The plants are growing under a combo of around 600w of floro and 300w of HPS lighting. They are growing in 2 gallon pots in a organic soil mixture. 20% Hydroton balls 20% Earthworm castings 50% Organic soil 10% Generic soil. These plants will be jogged and vegged for around 2 months then flowered.

    Stick around and check out the results! day 15.jpg
  2. Mandin75

    Mandin75 Germinated


    Looking good,I'm doing the same half oragnic soil and reg. soil.don't know what it is but it's looking great.i picked some of the bottom to test,it's drying out.i have it outside though in the natural light.it's about 5 months.
  3. acom

    acom New Sprout

    Day 17This is the update for day 17.Short and simple.They get nutes in 3 more days.Does anyone have pictures of plants jogged in a circle around the pot? That will be the LST training method that I'll be using.

    Lights off Day 17.jpg

    Plant 1 Day 17.jpg

    Plant 2 Day 17.jpg

    Plant 3 Day 17.jpg




  4. weedwacker

    weedwacker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    I'm just starting myself, but that's exactly how I'm JOGing my plants. I'm using ropes to tie it to the edge of the bucket as it grows I pull on the end with soft rope and a moveable clip. When the tip gets too tall I just move the rope up a node. Check out my gallery http://www.growkind.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=15445 for pictures. There are closeups of the ropes in Week 7.
  5. acom

    acom New Sprout

    weedwacker your plants look really nice man.

    Im deafinatly going to try out that clip method that you are using. My only trouble now is getting the circluar motion started. how long did it take you before you were able to just move the clip around the outside without having to worry about the hight of the lower branches and thier placement ect.?
  6. acom

    acom New Sprout

    UpdatedUpdated shots of the LST.I am bringing the growth tips out to the edge of the pots for all 3 plants.From there they will circle around the pot until the circle completes.heres 4 updated shots of the LST.I trimmed the very bottom branches off the second bush. they were just too small.. I took a few leaves too.


    Day 19  Plant 1.jpg

    Day 19  Plant 2.jpg

    Day 19  Plant 3.jpg




  7. weedwacker

    weedwacker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Thanks acom, this is my first grow, but I'm really having fun with it. What I did was wait until they were about 7-8" tall and then just first started by bending it down toward the bucket. I just tied onto it and several times a day just pulled a little more until I got it an inch or so from the top of the bucket. The top wants to turn up so it's easy for a 90 bend to start. After the top got 3-4" long I started with the rope and clip and just daily added slight tension to get it to curve with the bucket. As it lengthened I just added rope loops to hold it down every 3-4".

    I've left all of the lower nodes and they have been trained to cross the bucket and come back under the main stem. I've trimmed lower leaves and clutter in the middle to leave room for the top when I finally bring it to the middle. I almost daily pull the tops around to where I want them to go and adjust the tops to about the same height. This allows me to have my plant right up close to the lights. I'm at 7 1/2 weeks from seed and this has not completed a full circle of the bucket yet. I measured the plant and from soil to tip it would be 24" tall if allowed to stand up. When all the tops get where I can't keep them less than 6" from the bucket I think I'm going to add a screen so I can space the budsites out.
  8. acom

    acom New Sprout

    The only issue i can see now is that it takes the top longer then i expected to grow above the other growth tips. you say 3-4 inches and you tie it down again.. how long does that take to grow out? i am starting to think that by the time the plant makes it all the way around the bucket that the other branches will already be 12+ inches tall and im afraid that the growth tip will never be able to surpass them again..

    i guess i will just have to wait and see. Today should be a supprising day in my garden as we have had good weather and i fertalized yesterday. maybe i will update with pics if i have more tie downs.
  9. weedwacker

    weedwacker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    I'll be posting some more pictures each week. I'll try to get some close ups showing how I've move the tops in different directions . The strains I'm using seem to be very flexible. What I'm doing is pulling these long lower branches across the bucket and bending them under other branches in some direction I want to space the tops out and keep them all about the same level. This does take some time, but I like to mess with my plants. I'm using cfl's and this is the way I figured I could keep my tops all low until they flower and then I'll work on keeping the buds the same height and close to the lights.
  10. acom

    acom New Sprout

    thanks weed.

    i took ur advice and moved some of the branches and tucked em under the main stem. my biggest plant has kinda a backwards 'G' shape to it. im trying to make it into more of a 'Q'

    pics on monday.
  11. acom

    acom New Sprout

    Update day 25Here are the pictures from day 25:

    Day 25   1.jpg

    Day 25   2.jpg


  12. acom

    acom New Sprout

    Day 32Heres the updated pictures from day 32

    Day 32.jpg

    Day 32 Lights Off.jpg


  13. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    looking excellent! :smokin:

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