Im 4 weeks into flower and no ferts since sprot I used 1 part moss 1 part top soil and 1 part perlite Can someone recommend some cheap organic ferts for this stage of growth and how much to use
QUOTE Quote: from DANK WIZARD on 8:05 am on Mar. 29, 2005 Im 4 weeks into flower and no ferts since sprot I used 1 part moss 1 part top soil and 1 part perlite Can someone recommend some cheap organic ferts for this stage of growth and how much to use Dank, Bloom=Flower.... go with the bloom 1-5-5
The metas are intended to use the 3-3-3 base along with the flower formula. I go with 2-tsp 3-3-3, and 4-tsp 1-5-5 per gallon during the later stages of flower myself.
Have you yet tried the Bio Bizz products there marvelous im currently using the Bio grow formula and so far it is working good ,it is less likely for you to burn the plants and has many microbes along with the Bio bloom.