4th day flowering

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by htownrecords, May 29, 2005.

  1. htownrecords

    htownrecords New Sprout

    my plant just started to grow white hairs what n-p-k should i be using i cant get any of that hydroponic stuff right now all i got available to me around here is like miracle gro kinda stuff
  2. Outdoorchronic

    Outdoorchronic Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    just because its showing its sex it doesent mean its flower i thought the same thing when it happind to be just showing its sex cause they now are viggin out a bit it by now they would of had buds (my plants) it might just be showing sex what your sytem soil lights ect?
  3. Sawz

    Sawz New Sprout

    then just get miracle gro 10-52-10 and start adding when you cut the light to 12/12 hope that helps
  4. LittlePot

    LittlePot New Sprout

    Hi htownrecords, obviously you have to use what you can get hold of but my advice is to get something very low in N and high in P and K. You probably could even get away with no nitrogen at all during flowering. I myself have just begun 12/12 and will be switching to a blooming fert soon i think mines 0-15-15.

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