Advice on which way to go!

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by GreenMeanie, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. GreenMeanie

    GreenMeanie New Sprout

    When I first decided to stop paying complete tossers for totally inferior weed and began cultivating I did various personal experiments to decide which way I wanted to go (i.e size of crop against risk taken, medium in which to grow, so on and so forth!) What has definitely come out of said experiments is the fact that even though the yield may be slightly lower growing in a soil mix over hydroponics but soil is far more forgiving and most importantly of all I feel that however much flushing is done hydroponics tastes of **** (chemicals) However, as I say in the title I'm nearly organic, I've tried all manner of natural fertilizers but can never seem to get the N-P-K right, or if I can get that close I'm missing trace elements. As I've been led to understand flowering (veg isn't a problem) the N (nitrogen) needs to be dropped and potasium (K) increased. The closest nutes that I can find is the bone, blood and meal but that comes in at 7-7-7 and I don't feel that's right. Anyone got advice for someone who wants to get a bit more organic, not necessarily all the way. I just want nice buds that don't taste of chemicals when you smoke them unless you poor a swimming pool of fresh water through the roots half way through
  2. 420solo

    420solo Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I have yet to use the same methods and mixes in my grows. Im always trying to fine tune and just get a little better. I have used tons of diffrent, guanos, "organic" suplements, hormones, bells, wistles blah blah blah. These days Im using nothing but guanos, stream water, and rich rich soil mixes, enriched during the grow with topsoils loaded in "goodies".

    Your going to need to find a better supplier, IMO fish emulsion, bone meals, are not that great, they work, but other things work better. I use alternitive garden supply online.

    Keep in mind every strain has diffrent needs, you cant right down 1 tablespoon every 1 week, it just wont work like that. Your plant can only use what your enviroment will allow it to, not enough air, or light, your temps, humidity and so on all contribute to the amount of food you can use optimily.

    All I can really tell you is look for a better supplier, and you can find the ratios your looking for, and you wont need to FLUSH like crazy.
  3. earth girl

    earth girl A Fat Sticky Bud

    :wave:High Greenmeanie!

    You are a grobro after my own heart! Every thing I didn't learn from reading/study, has been derived from experimentation.

    MJ still needs plenty of N, even during flowering. It's not so much a matter of less N, as it is of more P. And MJ uses a relatively significant amount of K as well. Any time you think you are missing the traces, try a mild solution of Superthrive, or some seaweed juice. Either can work miracles if used properly.

    Also, keep yor focus on the pH of your ferts and water. This is more important than the actual ratios of N-P-K! If you give them no more than just sufficient amounts of the necessary ferts throughout their lives, and keep the pH between 6.5 and 7, you will do fine, and shouldn't have to worry about deficiencies or flushing before harvest.

    Good luck!:rainbow:

    earth girl:roll:

    (Edited by earth girl at 10:49 pm on Sep. 22, 2004)
  4. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower


    We're all working out our mojo.
  5. Stratocloner

    Stratocloner Begun Flowering

    GreenMeanie says , "or if I can get that close I'm missing trace elements ."

    Ahhh . . . the seaweed juice . Yes a great micronute supplement but expensive . I kinda reserve that black liquid gold for the early stages , cheapskate that I am . But sure you can boost your micronute levels at any time with it .It does wonders for root development .

    I use a cheap micronute supplement from Down To Earth . They are in the PNW and you probably won't find it where you are , but I'm sure there are other folks producing orgie micros and they will be lots cheaper in the long run than the above mentioned Seaweed Extract . I pay $6US for a quart of the stuff and it is a tablespoon to every gallon so it goes quite a way for the money .

    Hint on the micronutes (at least the DTE): shake like crazy and pour right away . Some of those goodies settle out quite quickly and you want a complete mix , not just what's floating on top .

    Earth Girl's point about -N- during flowering is well put . Although I wouldn't use the ST during flower it is good stuff , but not a micronute by any means . Go check the Superthrive discussion in Advanced for more on it .
  6. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

  7. Stratocloner

    Stratocloner Begun Flowering

    llIndigoll , do you use their soil ? It's fantastic stuff .

    A nursery I shop at carries almost their complete box and bag line-up . High -N- guanno , High -P- guanno , green sand etc . , almost everything except their liquid nutes (which I wanna try if they weren't so ^$) and the micronutes which I get at the pharmacy (of all places) .

    Snow in the passes ,today .
  8. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    superthrive iz da ****. got sum good resultz although i'm lookin 4 sum organic supplement though.
  9. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    I use this soil now, Stratocloner. This is the best soil I have ever used for marijuana cultivation. I have seen plants from seed and clones go through 3 gallons of root space reaching sexual maturity and 3' of lush, dark green upper growth without any yellowing with this soil.

    I have one I-Dom plant flowering that didn't get any nutrients at all from seed in the 3-gallon pot I planted it in. I grew it in my flowering chamber, so it has received nothing but 12/12 HPS it's whole life. We'll see how it smokes/heals in another month.

    Fog, mist, and drizzles in the valley and on the coast today.
  10. Stratocloner

    Stratocloner Begun Flowering

    Hey , glad to hear your positive comments on the DTE soil . I have to agree . I use it straight from the bag , no amendmants . Although I have never used FoxFarm , I just don't see how it could be much better .

    I picked up 5 bags of their soil yesterday . Woohoo . Got to the nursery (80 mile round trip) and the skid out front only had two bags on it and I was pretty disappointed , but they had a fresh skid around back so all was well .

    I was feeling so well at my good luck that I splurged on some other items including the Down To Earth - Fish and Kelp 3-2-2 ($13/gal.) , an extra bottle of micros , and another fert I use . Stocking up for winter , kinda .

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