I would like to hear what people have to say about these two organics comparison and their results .. I currently use EJ but am thinking of making the switch to Age Old . I am thinking of the continued use of EJ Catalyst and Microblast and then use AO Grow and BLoom along with it . Any suggestions ?
age old has to be one of the best ferts i have ever used. i cannot speak of the earth juice as i have not tried it, but i hear good things about it.
well I agree with the prior post .. I love Age Old its just great .. I'll post a link www.overgrow.com/edge/gallery.php?s=&action=folder&userid=697339&rt=1088028477 all grown using Age Old / Enjoy (Edited by jon chempo at 3:11 pm on June 23, 2004)
On several plants im still using FFgrow and Meta bloom with Age Old bloom and still have outstanding results and use Bat guano at the last few weeks of flowering.A great stimulant for the plants would be the L.K. Has a bit of everything,Im trying to see if Floracius Bloom would be good for an additive,Im trying it for this next grow?
if possible those who dislike the EJ could u explain briefly why it would described as bottom of the barrel before I go much further with it for the first time. I've never heard of age old until now. And have not seen it in any of the supply stores I'been to. thanx GK members
Well I would have to tell you that Age Old Organics is a great fert and I still use it till this day along with Floracius additives.
try here if you are looking for age old products http://www.altgarden.com/site/organics/ageold/ageold.html
RastaDUBB says, "Please stay away from the EJ........" . And Useless says , " EJ is bottom of the barrel.." But when drgreens asks , " those who dislike the EJ could u explain briefly why it would described as bottom of the barrel" . There are no answers . . . Wonder why they don't answer . Maybe cause they don't know what they are talking about ? Maybe cause their mommy said so , and that's that ? Maybe their heads are so far up their *** that they can't reply ? Well ? We are waiting . If you're gonna put a product down , that many people have used with success , maybe you should back it up with some facts . Or at least some anectdotal evidence . But you chose to remain silent . Why ? Maybe you've never grown anything and just think it's fun make negative comments . Maybe you don't know anything at all and just need to hear yourself fart . What loosers you must be . Or maybe you really did use the product and were such a newb that you totally screwed up and killed your plants with a hundred other problems and need some product to blame . Since it couldn't possibly be your fault ! Yeah I think that might be the deal , cause I wouldn't want to accuse you two of being trolls . Just bad farmers ? Well stick your black thumb in your mouth and shut up .
Not that they need to prove themselves to you Strato, but Useless is rarely 'here' anymore, and I usually only see RastaDUBB every other month at best. I don't use Earth Juice because I did not like the way my plants grew with it, and I read that the company does not site their sources...hence keeping it from being organically certified. Not that any of that matters.
Strato you might wanna get to know these growers before passing judgement on them. I know for a fact that they both are excellent growers....Useless probably knows more than most when it comes down to it. That's a fact that has been proven to me time and again...not to mention I have met him in person and have talked quite a lot about growing with him...think before you speak and listen before you judge.
Useless? well? he's proven to be quite the opposite of what his name implies. Haven't really followed Rasta much (not saying anything bad, just can't personally vouch for him). But Useless is a wizard
Hit and run product bashing is pretty common and cheesy . And as most know I am new here and havent read everybody's posts , so maybe these guys are pot gods . But put downs without reasons are uncalled for . When llIndigoll says , "I read that the company does not site their sources...hence keeping it from being organically certified." , she makes a point . When Useless says , "EJ is bottom of the barrel.." and says nothing more , he is just slinging mud . Listen before I judge , Herbsparky? They didn't give me much to judge by . At least not this time . Read the thread posts without the name and rep of the poster and you may see what I mean . Just an opinion .
BTW , just looked this up . Earth Juice Bloom , Catalyst , and Grow all listed as Fertilizers , Blended - Status Allowed . In the OMRI Brand Name Products List . That's the Organic Materials Review Institute . As of August 19 , 2004 , the most recent update . Hope that helps , Strat .
I stick to the basics, fish-bat-seaweed indoors.... compost heap areated tea >outdoors no need to worry about bringing pests indoors if I stick to the bottled-n-bagged nutes (as long as i shower and glove before entering med. grow space)--- and the outdoor nuggs are HUGE!! yeild: 250 W HPS > 6-12 oz========= 5-6 big to 40 clones 400 W HPS > 12-19.5 oz====== 6 big to 30 clones outdoors > 2-3 lbs ========= 1 topped/trained & suppercropped [all cured weight] <<<<expectable yeilds with EFFICENT setups>>>>