AK-48 Flowering Times

Discussion in 'Strain Guide' started by WiZaRD, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    I currently have a few Ak-48 clones going. It grows very much like an idica, shorty bushy structure, but with more sativa like leaves. Of the 5 original seedlings, the 4 that sprouted grew almost identical.

    I've read it can finish as early as 48 days.

    What have you guys who've grown it experienced with flowering time?

    I've also read, that letting it veg until 6-7-8 weeks makes a big difference in potency. I'm growing clones, and they have been vegging for 3-3.5 weeks now. They are ~11-13.5" tall.

    I will post pictures tomorrow, I would do it now, but it's on dark time and they're drooping.
  2. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    Long veg time does not effect potency, only height. Unless it is flowered before it is mature potency should be the same. As for flower time. I let mine go for 9 weeks. 8 is enough but 9 will give it a bit more resin.
  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Well advised neon...

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to neon420 again.

    AK48 can be done and dusted from flowering in 48 days ...approx 7 weeks on averge from my own experience,iv only recently grown one of them and thats about how long i took to get my kind bud after flowering,it had a basic 4 week veg like i do with many of my strains,especially if they are clones.

    Well explained Neon:icon_thumleft:...WiZard(iv always known him as 'apophis' but he has resurected his original account which he forgot the password to till recently) sent me a PM with the same question except a bit more detailed regarding nutes and other grow related stuff and i more or less,in prolly about 5000 words more than yourself neon:icon_lol:,told him the same thing.His vegging period shouldnt affect potency at all,i told him to click the link beside my name,the gk garden,as it takes you to a grow thread i did with TFD's pot of gold,but after id started 12/12 i bought some GHS big bang feminised beans and i decided to just throw them in and grow /germinate nthem under 12/12 conditions and although i dare say i prolly lost a lot of WEIGHT from the dried,cured mend product(i still got healthy yields considering actually) but i sure as hell didnt lose any potenc y,the final cured vesion was as potent as other big bang seeds iv grown with a full veg period so potency is defo not affected,the potency lies in the genetics does it not,added to the enviromental elemants aka the variables of the local enviroment like lights,grow space,nutrients,fresh air and all that make for a good grow but the potency is in the genetics surely,especially from a CLONE...chime in skunky,useless or any of you guys if im wrong,im just assuming this is the logical answer based on what i know about how MJ passes on certain genetic traits,etc,although obviously enviroment is key with things like ventilation,medium,etc:ponder:

    A long veg in my experience just means that i end up with a bigger and bushier plant ,my pot of gold was very bushy till it stretched during endof flowering,id imagine that if the plant has had a short veg then it will soon catch up if repotted during flowering into bigger pots,etc mand if the plants had a very long veg then even better cos you shouold easily be able to tell the sex of the plant by that time.

    :eusa_think:Hmm maybe i should just have posted "aye,what neon said:thumbsup:"...:roll:Peace:potleaf::jj:

  4. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Thanks, I was under the impression that potency was all genetic as well.

    I just read about 3 grow reports were it was claimed that the max potency wasn't reached with >AK-48< unless it had been vegged ~six weeks+.

    Didn't make sense, but I thought I'd better ask.

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