Aka Poppers

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by CanadianCannabis, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. CanadianCannabis

    CanadianCannabis Start of veg

    Hey just curious out there as im packing about my 15th popper of the day, does anyone else out there smoke these things? I know they have a whole lot of names but it seems to be pretty unknown. Basically, a 'popper' is when you have a straight bill piece with no bowl or nothin on it just straight bill piece about the same width as a cigarette. You cut a small piece of ur smoke, maybe 2cm-4cm (srry im a canuck dont know wat that is maybe like 1/8"?) and put it in the bill piece, neatly if u can so that the tobbaco faces up. Then you just dab that onto ur dope pile, until you cant see the tobbaco anymore. Then just light it up, let it brew til it looks like a cigarette cherry, and rip like a mofo. Gotta be hit in bongs, and smells a lil funky as your mixing ur dope with tobe but guarntee it will fuck you up.
    If you hit em by anyother name cool id like to hear from yea. So there it is and for those brave ones out there this will fuck a seasoned smoker, and it conserves your weed like you wouldn't believe :)

  2. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    nope, the same as loading herb n tabakki in ur bong???

    sometimes i smoke a mix in my pipe, i know im a dirty lil whore :pimp:
  3. CanadianCannabis

    CanadianCannabis Start of veg

    naw this is different man, but no no i do mix a bached bowl eveyronece in a while. but with this the piece of cigarette stays in tact in the paper and gets pulled through into the bong water with the dope n stuff. unnno im srry if this is a bad explanation ill try n get pics lol. but basically uve got a small metal tube. goes into ur bong with no screen or nothin just a hollow tube (bill piece). U pack your tobe, u pack ur dope an u let it brew for a lil and then rip it all. theyre one hitter but ull onl need one or two ur first time.
  4. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I have a buddy that smokes "spliffs". He rolls up tobacco and some weed in a paper. Just like a joint but with tobacco in it. Tastes like shit IMO. I like to smoke blunts tho.. :) mmm Blueberry cigar wraps filled with sticky icky bud. ewweee..

  5. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Never heard of that, since i dont smoke tobacco. Had a bad experience as a young teen. Me and 3 buddies were passing around a cigarette sized joint. I was still a rookie at the time so i was already baked. But somewhere along the line one of em lit up a cigarette, and covered the orange filter when they past it to me. I took the biggest pull you could imagine, suck it down into my lungs and damn near passed out and fell right into his fence. It seriously fucked me up good for about 15 mins.

    But i dont like the way tobacco feels in my lungs. I could never even do Hash bots brewed on a cigarette.
  6. "The Master"

    "The Master" Time Lord

    uh, we used to pack ciggs down real tight, and sprinkle a little magic fairy dust down the open end, hold em' straight up in the air, and smoke the first half straight down. They called them a woozey back then. I don't know what you hep' cats call them now, but they were TOO much fun.

    Try pliers when you pack the cigg down.

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