Alaska Fish Emulsion 5-1-1

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by herbalicetea, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. herbalicetea

    herbalicetea Veggy Stage

    Does alaska fish emulsion 5-1-1 provide enough Nitrogen for vegging? Are there any around the house items that provides some more N? I heard leaveing egg shells in water for a couple days hooks it up. The closest hydro store is 2 1/2 hours away so I cant get the good stuff right now.
  2. Guest

    I have nothing bad to say about fish... Cept it can build up and rot or too much can feed fungus if the soil is too wet too long.

    I use fish and Guano's for veg myself but, I have a bioactive soil.

    Won't someone correct me if I'm wrong but, fish has to be broken down by the bugs to get all the N out of it eh?

    Same with Bat Guano which has a small % ready nitrogen..

    I also add coffee and honey to it.

    Just watch the PH..

    I mean you can be creative here friend. This kind of feeding is in the realm of harmony with nature imo. Bioactive soil and all is a gas.

    Nature is the most Excellent system.. I mean any expression of energy so fantastic as a thriving ecosystem is well beyond the understanding of most people.

    My hope is to have a peek at the noble.

    Pardon the rant. And No I don't believe my little dirt box is all that but I'm trying.

    Also of note is another kind of fish.

    " target="_blank">

    This is a product to watch tho.. I got fungus using this so keep an eye.. Still it depends on your soil and drainage:: Still 3.5% quick nitrogen.. It might be worth a try.

    I hope this was interesting. Pardon any error and ignorance.


    Last thought good root air and drainage is important always.

    (Edited by Randy_High at 9:11 pm on Mar. 13, 2005)

    (Edited by Randy_High at 9:45 pm on Mar. 13, 2005)
  3. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    smells fishy in my opinion, i had a problem with little flys, might have been fungus gnats. might not have been caused by the fert but it was what i was using at the time...that stuff will get most strains through veg, simply giving the minimum necessary will produce minimal buds though also...going from start to finnish with good soil, light ferts and a lil love, will produce the best yield and quality, but use what you have got, and you wont need what you have time, order online, get next day shipping. no wait less expensive and no drive time.

    Happy Growin'

  4. novice grower

    novice grower Germinated

    So,Randy,does the coffee help the plant's to stay awake during the night cycle and does the honey make the bud's taste sweeter? :ponder:
  5. Lamont Pontoon

    Lamont Pontoon Full Flowering

    5-1-1 is a excellent organic veg fert, dont be concerned it isnt strong enough, as you can use it probably every other watering w/o it being too much. I have used it exclusively and with other ferts and it does just fine.
  6. Guest


    Quote: from novice grower 2 on 2:11 am on Mar. 14, 2005
    So,Randy,does the coffee help the plant's to stay awake during the night cycle and does the honey make the bud's taste sweeter? :ponder:

    I don't know about being awake I assume coffee adds nitrogen but it does change the fish smell. Maybe the microorganism might use the Caffeine but I'm betting the Honey adds food for the microorganisms.
    In the end it's the bugs that process raw materials to plant ready nutes in an organic soil.

    I posted a mix someplace where I changed fish smell to mint smell with liquid kelp and coffee + honey.

    It's all fun. It's safe to try if one wants to.
    Brew a pot of coffee, get some honey, get some algamin and try it in yer fish.
    one can add bat guano, esalts, Vit. B or other things as well.

    It's all good in moderation for a bioactive soil.

    As for results. Well the cure is not done yet but they smell better than ever.

    You did see my 13 inch leaf?

    Yeah it's out there but no harm was doen over here...
  7. novice grower

    novice grower Germinated

    Apologie's for being a wise-arse Randy !:ashamed:

    As long as it work's!:ebert:

    I do have a q for ya tho,with this bioactive soil,do you have worm's in there as well?:ponder:
  8. Guest

    Yes I do... I had some in there and didn't know how they got there but I was moving some pots outside and dumped the dirt out and in that was a handful.

    They have been added PLUS I have a 1x1x1 box area that I can put "worm bin" in..

    I'll have photos later this year of the refit. I plan to add a worm compost area. A place that gets food scraps and the worms can live in there or head out in the main soil box.

    This is off topic here but Worms keep the soil air good imo.

    Bout the Coffee... I dono if it's all that but it didn't seem to hurt. So on that note I say it's OK..
  9. herbalicetea

    herbalicetea Veggy Stage

    Ive been using the fish emulsion and liquid karma mixed with fish tank water. Theyre in Fox Farms soil under a 250 hps. They seem to be growing good but I kinda thought I was slacking in the N department. What is the karma doing for me exactly? I heard it was dank so I got it. Something to do with live microorganisms, which is a good thing.

    Also should I be using the fish and karma every watering? I have been so far and they seem to like it.
  10. georged5150

    georged5150 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Be carful with just the fish tank water. I have used it and have many many questions. So many I do not use it no more. Only to clone now.

    I thinks that the tank water is lacking things tap water or normal water is lacking. I used the Alaskan also and tank water. I have had purple problems to trace purple problems. Since I switched to tap water the plants are much beter.

    I have no evidence to prove this. But I think the tank water is lacking trace nutes that tap water has.

    I don't know if this is to blame on ferts or me. But with just using Peters 20-20-20 only on my first grow. And Alaskan 5-1-1 only on my 2nd grow. The Petters was more lush and much darker green.

    (Edited by georged5150 at 11:16 pm on Mar. 14, 2005)
  11. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    ive used alaska fish emulsion, peters 20-20-20- and now i use pure blend pro, and ill never go back

  12. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    .well, I added a tsp of Fish emulsion, a tsp of kelp and a tsp of honey to my coffee this morning....and it sure as hell don't smell like spearmint. ..:mad:.. ;)
  13. Guest

    Too funny...

    But did you Taste it? JK!

    " have mixed Fish, a Hot Shot of shultz, Kelp, Sulfer, Lime B1 and 1/2 dose of EJ and a bit of Honey.


    I hope others might get the same mint esscence.

    My ratios were shot from the hip except the shultz Expert bloom plus 10-60-10 that was 1/4 tps.

    EJ was on the heavy 1/2 dose side.
  14. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud



    But did you Taste it?

    ..tastes like coffee made w/ geo's aquarium water..hee hee

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