Anyone into soils? I made my own a few years back and keep it going by composting and adding new materials. Any way I thought to send a shout out for these who love their soils!
Well Randy, I love my soil. It''s Fox Farm Ocean Forrest and it's organic. Ocean forest is a powerful blend of pacific northwest sea going fish, crab meal, shrimp meal and plenty of our own earthworm castings-natures finest soil amendments. It has added composted forrest humus and selected peat mosses to create the optimum organic medium for versatile planting environment. Starts seedling naturally so they can become strong vigorous plants Ocean Forest Potting Soil is a rich and light organic potting mix, so fertile that no additional feeding is necessary for the first 2-3 weeks. Nutrient-rich soil encourages healthy root growth, disease resistance, and leafy foliage. Use it for container planting indoors and out, or as an amendment to your garden and raised beds. Also great for seedlings. Comes in a 1.5 cubic foot bag and is recommended for all plant types. Ready-to-use right from the bag.
Black Gold seems to be better than the Fox Farm. Try them both you will see a conciderable difference..
I swear buy soil, funny though there is no "soil" in my mix. Ive stopped using peat and use Coco Husk, with Acedamica and chunky perlite.
I use black gold. All organic amendments too. Id use FF if they sold it in my area. Atleast a grow off betwwen the two!!!
i just sterilized my soil for this years grow, all good now. i like to start form scratch, just like those biscuits they make in georgia.
Back when i did soil, this was a recipe i used. The plants needed no ferts until mid flowering. I use this soil on my moms now and they love it: 4 bags Scotts garden safe potting soil (4 cu feet) or 29.92 gal 6 cups Scotts Bone Meal - phosphorus source 5 cups glacial rock dust (3 tbsp per gal) 3-4 cups dolmite lime –calcium/ magnesium source & pH buffering 1.5 lbs Rare earth (2-4 oz per gal) 4 cups kelp meal. 6 cups alfalfa meal 15 lb bag pure worm castings: ½ bag of cow manure (20 lbs) 2 bags perlite (16 qt) Alfalfa Meal 2.5-1-1 Alfalfa Meal is a reasonable alternative to blood meal as a source of nitrogen and is nicely balanced with phosphorous and potassium. It's carbohydrates and protein make it an excellent soil conditioner by encouraging microbial activity in the soil. One very important ingredient is tricontanol, a powerful plant growth regulator Kelp Meal 1-1-2 Kelp contains over 60 minerals and elements, 21 amino acids, simple and complex carbohydrates, and several Essential growth hormones (auxins, cytokines, and Gibberellins) Glacial rock dust Glacial Rock Dust can: Increase phosphorus availability. Provide an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium, plus trace elements and micronutrients. Increase moisture-holding properties in the soil. Improve the cation exchange capacity. Improve soil structure and drainage. Glacial Rock Dust helps restore the correct mineral balance in the soil. When the correct balance is achieved, organic matter is turned into humus and the soil becomes a favorable environment for a host of beneficial molds, fungi, bacteria and earthworms. When this happens, the living soil becomes a buffer to the many variables gardeners must contend with. General Hydroponics Rare Earth Derived from ancient seabed deposits of pyrophyllitic clay and blended with fulvate Ore, Rare Earth provides a slow release of Silicon, Humates and 72 rare earth minerals. Blend with rooting media. top-dress around plant stem or add directly to nutrient solutions. Rare Earth elements develop a crystal matrix within growing plant tissue, which protects the plant from heat stress and nutrient extremes by generating a protective Silicon shield. This also deters fungal disease and reduces susceptibility to insect damage by "hardening" the plant. Rare Earth contains Pyrophyllitic Silicate Clay naturally derived from ancient seabed deposits of biologically transformed organic matter combined with Leonardite Humates. Cow Manure .6-.3-.3 Cow manure perhaps has the lowest of nutrients of all manures but it increases soil water retention and has a full range of trace minerals. Dolomite lime Dolomite Lime (Calcium magnesium carbonate) is an excellent pH stabilizer for soil. Contains calcium and magnesium. Slow acting. Worm Castings 1-0-0 earthworm castings provide many of the essential nutrients needed for healthy plant life. Castings are a totally organic, all natural fertilizer. Odorless and non-toxic, worm castings will not burn even the most delicate plants. Castings offer a concentrated source of calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphates and potash in a form readily available to your plants. Major university research projects and testing has shown that the complete soil food biology found in worm castings will quickly control fungus problems. Within a few weeks plants suffering from fungus problems will show significant improvement that lasts. All ground fungus is quickly brought under control. Nitrogen is released in the fungus control process providing added plant growth. Bone Meal 6-12-0 ·1 All-natural phosphorous supplement to promote root and flower growth ·2 Enriched with iron for stronger, greener plants ·3 Controlled-release nitrogen extends each feeding for up to 2 months, with even a small amount feeding twice as many plants as other granular products