Any resolutions?

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by hygrade, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    tonight,in a few minutes i will end my 19 year affair with cigarettes.also getting in shape.i'll be 32 in a week and i've had enough of being overweight and screwing up my lungs with about you guys?
    snickelfritz likes this.
  2. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    This years rez. is to grow more pot.
    snickelfritz likes this.
  3. JohnH

    JohnH Smoker Extraordinaire

    About the same as mine!

    I just want to be prosperous in 2009!
  4. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    Good luck to you, hygrade :gl:

    I'm going to try to not procrastinate as much this year. :icon_bounce:
  5. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Congratulations on kicking butts! My dad just quit last March after smoking 2 packs a day for almost 30 years.. He used Chantix, and as soon as he started taking the medication he wasnt allowed to smoke, bc It would make him terribly sick or something.. He was only on the Chantix for 3 weeks, and he stopped taking it.. He is smoke-free to this day, except the herb.. :) he still smokes loads of bud, for his glaucoma, depression, and bipolar..Needless to say, me and my fam are very proud of him! It was weird seeing him without a cigarette hanging out of his mouth!

    SO if my forever, chain smoking, old man can quit, I think its possible for anyone.. Good luck Hygrade, with quiting and getting yourself into shape..

    You arent getting any younger, as im sure u have realized, and its time to take care of youself..

    As for myself, I have a few resolutions..

    I want to work on my relationship with my girl, and hopefully make a marriage proposal to her this year.. I want to be an even better father, and keep myself outta trouble so I dont jeopardize my freedom.

    I would like to quit Chewing tobacco, and get into shape, myself.

    A Happy, and prosperous new year goes out to all my GK family!

  6. hygrade

    hygrade _________________________

    thanks guys,i'm trying,i have had a couple today:icon_confused: but i am determined to do it.good luck to all of you in your resolutions
  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Thats my problem too mr-D,tho not when cultivating,lol!

    Aye same,im gonna try not to procrastinate my new years resolutions,lol,i dont make resolutions as such just targets,goals and timeframes like im gonna be back driving again this year FINALLY!!! I wanna extend my grow ops and also have an online seed business fully up and running instead of under contruction,i am stopping taking any drugs now exept weed,no more E's at parties or raves,time to be a good dad to the boys and put them 1st and concentrate on bringing them up with the mrs.

    I am gonna start taking the lil one to footbal and karate(my mrs is a black belt) so that will be fun plus UBB and me are starting MMA,its a mixture of juijitsui,kickboxing,wrestling and brazilian street fighting although i think glasgow street fighting is better but iv been practising that for years,lol.So im baically just gonna get fit,get my ass back to college and get drivin again,its been a killer not being able to drive so im looking forward to that.Thats my goals and hopes....oh aye one more... to be married by the end of 2009 to the mrs.Peace:jj:
  8. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Im quitting everything!

    Im back to the Gym this month. My lungs have packed up over the last 2 weeks. And my body is starting to think that beer is the only liquid available in the world!

    Ive had enough, i feel like shit! I quit it all!
  9. GeoKitty

    GeoKitty Guest

    My New Year's Resolution is to Be Happy & Prosperous This Year!!

    My past two years have been financially shitty, spiritually draining and quite exhausting!! My year ended MUCH better, and I've been having a I think I'm finally on the right track here!!

    So, my goal is to live well, be happy and continue to enjoy the nice ride I'm having....I finally have the life I've been searching for!!

    Happy New Year Everyone!!
  10. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Good luck with all of your resolutions TA! I would really like to see your Company up and going, also! So the Best of luck to that!!

    Good luck on the quitting drugs thing.. I had long time Opiate addiction, that..Well, Im actually still dealing with everyday. Im taking Buprenorphine/Naloxone now to help cope with the WD's and cravings.. Its working great for now, But soon I will have to quit the BUPE altogether..

    As you are, I am also planning on proposing to my girl this year. We need to take some steps to work on our relationship, and some other respect issues, first. SO why arent u able to drive?

    I wish u luck in all your goals and hopes for the new year, my friend!

    A happy new year to u, TA!

    B safe, and stay focused!

  11. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    You're quitting it all? Smokin green? Cultivating?
  12. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Im quitting consumption, for now anyway.
  13. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    Ive failed all my new year resolutions.

    Oh well, theres always next year! :)
  14. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    OK my new year is a bit like the chinese one. It does start on the first of january. It starts when i go back to work!

    I quit all comsumption for a while starting the 5th.
  15. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

  16. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    You planting on cooking the weed while its still on the plant?

    Ill stick to HPS!
  17. JohnH

    JohnH Smoker Extraordinaire

    My New-New Years Resolution is to not get any more speeding tickets in 2009 ... 72 in a 55. Go me.

    Oh and I hid my sack up in the headliner (tinted windows, cop can't see what I'm doing anyway ...) so I reef it down, throw it in, and when I go to grab it ... I keep pushing it further and further and can't grab it, now I get to spend a morning taking down my headliner to find a damn 3 grams!
  18. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    My new years resolution is to be whore/slut free in 09'. No more weekend hullaballu's of drunkin wandering between bars with pussy on my mind and money in my pocket. That combo is a dangerous one!

    I'm gonna stick with my one chick and try to focus on becoming a homeowner. This apt. shit is for the birds and i pay as much as a mortage would be every month. I want a grow room not a grow cabinet...DSP
  19. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Ownership is the way to go, but dont tell that to my tenants ;)
  20. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


    What's the cost of such a beast? In the company literature bulb life is posted as 1500 hours. That's about one grow. What's a 550w xenon bulb go for?


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