aqua globes

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by grow111, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. grow111

    grow111 New Sprout

    i saw these things on a commercial
    they seem like somthing a grandma would have in her houseplants but my aunt bought them and she can go a week or 2 without watering her houseplants
    i think it might be a good investment for those who dont like to visit their grow site often but want assurance the plant is watered , ,heres the site for them , they are also sold on amazon and i think ebay
  2. NeonLights

    NeonLights Excommunicated

    Shit!!! A healthy plant would suck that thing dry in a couple hours. Would be nice for the house plants though.
  3. grow111

    grow111 New Sprout

    ohh well , it was just an idea , lol
  4. ishmeil

    ishmeil cannabis connoisseur

    i think it could still work, if you double or triple the aquaglobes, and refillevery so often, it may still work, you just gotta adjust it for growin weed.
  5. mr_nice_guy

    mr_nice_guy Veggy Stage

    don't they work on a equilibrium principal so it would soak the soil then, as it dry's out leak till the equilibrium is met again. from what i have read pot does not like wet feet it needs to dry out no stay constantly wet just my 2 cents

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