Whoever of you thought this was a dumb idea, PLEASE go away, this is for those who were with me and wanted me to keep them posted, because I KNOW I've figured it out. Ok, my last thread didn't get to hot w/ discussion on the topic, but I have delved into this matter pretty hard, read alot alot alot alot alot alot of different chemistry into the matter, trying to figure out the PPM certain amounts of dry ice put off in enclosed environments, like those ice-cream carts. First thing is this, what is it we want to achieve? Well considering the averg. PPM of CO2 in the air is around 350, we want to get our grow rooms to about 1300 eh? or anywhere between 1000 and 1500. Second thing is determine how much will we need? Well, I have come up with an equation. For every cubic foot of space you have, you will need .0015625 LBS of dry ice per day. So, for example, my grow room with 160 cubic feet of volume, I will need .25lbs of dry ice every day. Now then, this also helps cool the plants down, and might eliminate the need for an air conditioner if the room is already almost stable temperature. Third Thing, how will we keep it releasing thru-out a day? You should try to make it so your particular piece melts down somewhere between 14-20 hours. I'll try just a full .25 piece in an open cooler and see how long that takes, if it's to slow then I'll try .3lbs of dry ice, and having it in 3 individual .1lb pieces, and puttting them in one after the other just sitting in an open cooler and see how long that takes then. If it melts to fast, I will put the piece in styrofoam and poke holes in it, or maybe put the cooler OPEN in a box, and poke holes in the box, I'll just get creative until I get it right. Fourth thing, what about cost? for my size room, it will cost me .20 cents a day. Heh. Go figure ;-) Now then, if you like this post, hook me up guys I need some rep points so I won't be a such a noob anymore LOL!!!! I know my equation will work for you, so give it a shot, I know I will be doing it every day of flowering hopefully. I will need 14lbs for 56 days of flowering. and last time I bought any I got a NICE size chunk for $4. And after do
In all your deep research im suprised you came up w 15000 ppm instead of the 1500- 1800 it actually is.
Everytime you vent your room you need to start over right? So whenever the temps get high and your exhaust comes on you need to go reload the little styro box with the holes in it with the perfectly cut and weighed piece of dry ice? Or did you not figure venting into your equation? Also your equation seems to be for an airtight room correct? If you're room is not absolutely sealed and air tight you need to go try again. man but it's still a poor idea.
well there a lot more key variables that he left out to make this plausible. First the rooms temp effects this because its going to sublime the CO2 quicker and also the number of plants and their size, cause each plant is going to be uptaking CO2. So think of it this way how would you have a better chance of survival and have the least worrys about suffocating in a room by your self, in a room with a few others about the same size, in the room with a few big guys. See the bigger guys are going to need more oxygen to up take just as a plant would need more CO2 to take in compared to a smaller plant, the more plants you have the harder it will be to maintain level especially this way. A few big plants will probably have close to the same uptake of CO2 when compared to a bunch of smaller plants but as the plants get bigger the total amount pumped in the room to maintain your PPM's will increase as the size of the plants increase.
Right. I'ma put enough in there to maintain 1800PPM w/o plants, and I'll have 4 white widow plants in there, so it'll still be well over 300ppm. Also, the temperature will be 70-72 degrees. In a cooler, with the lid just cracked, the dry ice melts quite slow... Noone likes this idea, I'm sure most people that don't like it have expensive machines. But I know I can make it work, I have quite a few ideas I'm going to try.