I have some South American bat guano that I have been using as a soil dressing. I was informed, that doing it this way insures a slow release of the nutrients. What I want to know is whether or not I can make a tea out of the guano, that will result in a more immediate release of nutrients? If so can anyone hook me up with the info on how to make the tea? Thanx in advance for your time and info. (Edited by PlutoniumRaider at 10:19 pm on Aug. 19, 2004)
Actually I have no idea. I don't know why I just never thought to ask. I picked it up at a grow shop near my place. payed $100cnd for a burlap sack. The reason I say it is south american is because it had spanish writing and weird symbols all over the bag. Anyhoo I'll get back to ya on that.
Well I found out that the bat guano that I purchased was from the philopines(spelling sucks) with a npk of 2-26-0. Also I was informed that to mix it with water the ratio is 3 table spoons per 4litres of water. Not sure if that is the same way the tea would be made or not, but that's all the info I have.
This fert of yours has alot of Phosphorus which is good when flowering,I would recommend you use 2tablespoons and not three per gallon of water.At what stage is your plant by the way?
I have been unable to get to my garden for close to a week now. Which isn't a huge deal because there has been adequete amounts of rain. So as of a week ago they hadn't started to bud. I am thinking though that they will have just started to or will be with in the next couple of weeks. I put them in a little late which is also fimne because it is a quick growing strain(M39). The plants are 3 to 3.5 feet tall. From what I have read about this particular strain they won't get much taller than 4ft. thanks for the info Hell Boy.
You should check on your plants at least twice a week depending on how the tempature and humidity is,also if flowering heres a great mix I use in the begining of flowering,add 2tbs of Peruvian seabird guano,2tbs of chicken poop,2tsp of soluble seaweed extract,1tbs of Liquid fish and 1tbs epssom salts to 1gallon of water.
All season I have been taking great care of my ladies. I've just these past few weeks slacked off abit. It doesn't appear that my Ladies are suffering. They are a beautiful green and and overall healthy looking plants. Interesting mix for flowereing Hell boy
I add all of those ingredients into a one cup of hot water in a mason jar,then shake it every hour for best results so everything derrives into small particles in order for the plant to uptake these nutrients,then I let it sit overnight, I shake it again real good before adding one cup of this mixure into one gallon of water.
Nope...sure haven't, but I will keep in mind for future reference. Right now my goal is to get things rolling and experiment later. Just got a gallon of the Meta 1-5-5 so it may be a while.
Ive tried the Meta Bloom but wasnt strong enough,it would be good for early stages of flowering,then it would be good to use the Age Old bloom with floracius bloom as an additive.
I'm not sure you are looking for an actual recipe or a method for making "tea". Forgive me if this is redundant info. You can make good quality compost or manure teas with simple equipment. 1) A five gallon plastic bucket 2) A simple aquarium pump/tubing and air stones. Fill the bucket with water and arrange the tubing and air stones on the bottom of the bucket, I usually weight them down with a rock. Let the pump run and aerate the water for a few hours to let any chlorine in your water to gas off. Add your ingredients, usually I just use about a shovelful of fresh compost and a couple of tablespoons of molasses. You would probably only want maybe a few cups of the bat ****. Let it go for a couple of days with the pump running to aerate the soup, stiring maybe once or twice to mix the compost/manure that settles on the bottom. make sure the airstones stay on the bottom to fully aerate the mix otherwise you may get an anaerobic sludge on the bottom. After a day or three if things went all right it should develop a nice foamy head and smell sweet or yeasty. If it smells rank it went anaerobic and you really don't want to use it. You want to use it right away to get the beneficials microbes into the soil. While this isn't necessarily a nutrient rich mix you are adding benefical microbes to the soil that allows for a healthier growing medium and better uptake of additional nutrients you do supplement with.