can u mix this **** wit durt part wit compost prior 2 planting? will it benefit mo than just mixin it wit h20? how do u normally apply yo guano?
[ Lamont prescribes two ignore buttons and to not call him in the morning ] Guanos work best when applied to soil as its full benefits occur after a period of breakdown. With water and "teas" you dont get that added benefit when it does breakdown fully.
apply it as a dressing on top lamont? or mixed in with the medium? i think tea's are an effective way to apply guano. If the temperature stays warm enough in the water, and airation is provided, then there are lots of bacteria living and growing in the tea. They breakdown the elements further and make a serious soil soup.
You are correct, but it takes many days for complete breakdown and you want the benefits throughout that period. Top dressing and amending help provide that. The important thing to remember about the difference between hydro and soil is what you are feeding. With hydro you are feeding the roots of the plant and with soil you are feeding the medium and the roots feed from that. The soil helps with nute breakdown and other microbial activity which feeds the roots for as long as the mediums moisture content allows for transport. Heres a basic chart that shows the mobility distance of nutrients in soil. Heres a link that goes a bit deeper than what I explained but covers alot of what every soil grower should know.
:bandwidth-property: u win max omg! very good info randy. da directionz say 2 mix wit watr, but i think apply it 2 soil proir wulb b mo beneficial. i think a h20 application wuld apply mo 2 hydro, not soil. da info wit this guano iz misleading.
Funny jigs, you go ahead and apply that guano to a hydro resevior and see how quick that stuff will clog your pumps.
Clarence when we grew hydro wick you just throw the guano right into the res water let it sit. Hydro wick is so simple.