Blood/Bone/Kelp meal as 'top dressing'?

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by jaypee89, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. jaypee89

    jaypee89 The Seventh Seal

    hoi. im gonna be growing organic. got 'black gold all organic potting soil'.

    im going to use bone meal + blood meal + kelp meal (or some other K source)....
    got a couple questions though.

    instead of making a 'tea' out of this stuff, is it okay if i just use it as a 'top dressing' where i just sprinkle it on the top of the soil?

    if im growing in 5-gal containers, how much can i sprinkle on the soil? about...1/2 a cup each container every 2 weeks or so? gonna add a little extra blood for veg and then a little extra bone for flower.

    ps, the only reason why im using the 'top-dressing' method of feeding my plants, is b/c diluting it in water and all that stuff is just too complicated. measurments and stuff.
  2. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Yes you can top dress.

    I use sea bird guano and coffee.

    Sometimes I sprinkle a small amount of rice.

    Blood meal is a quick or hot nitrogen so I wouldn't think of it as a dressing but more a feeding.

    If you can mix that bone and kelp meal in the soil ahead of time better yet.

    Do you have any micronized compost? That would be a good thing to top dress with IMO.

    Since you may be learning start out lite till you see how it goes. I'll bet too much bone or blood could do harm.

    I have a favorite store online so I'll share one of their products for sale.

    Did that help?
  3. jaypee89

    jaypee89 The Seventh Seal

    yes, you did help me. I know now, that i CAN put my fert on the top of soil and let it dissolve into soil.

    i just dont know how much to put per container. thinking a 4-5 gal container, how much do i add?
  4. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Hard to answer.

    I mean how much is in the soil to start with?

    With bone I wouldn't pile it up. I'd sprinkle it around till I have a thin layer.

    Again I would try a little and see how it goes.

    I think of top dressing as the new food layer so bone alone isn't a meal in my mind.
  5. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Dissolve my not be an exact thing.

    Microbes will "eat" the materials and break them down.

    Water can make soluble some of the bone and get it to the roots but most of the solids will require time to break down.

    I can't remember how finely ground bone meal is.


    Micronized compost!

    It will boost your grow big time.
  6. jaypee89

    jaypee89 The Seventh Seal

    yeh, ill look into some of that micronized compost heh.

    and i think ill just sprinkle a handful in each container of each meal heh.....see how that works out.
  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Yeah top dressing as you call it is one of my more favoured methods for sure.I know what you mean about all the diluting,etc.My 1st 3 grows had nothing but perlite and soil with liquid organic feed and they turned out satisfactory for a noob,i know some ppl who still use just that with the organic liquids,etc.

    I know *trillions of atoms* has various things he uses in his grows like bat guano and other stuff which i cant get so easy over here in the UK,he's a good guy to ask for stuff like that,also very helpful and straight to the point.Peace:)
  8. doc420

    doc420 New Sprout

    My favorite top dressings are:(Chicken poop)(3-5-3) it contains a good amount of nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium and calcium,(Super Tea)(5-5-1) guano mix it contains seabird guano,bat guano,earthworm castings and seakelp,(Idonesian Bat Guano)(0-13-0)contains large amount of Phosphorus and perfect for good flavor one of my favorite.
  9. jaypee89

    jaypee89 The Seventh Seal

    the super tea you mix in water?

    and for the bat guano, how do you use that for your plants? do you sprinkle some of it on the soil or do u mix it with water? how mcuh do you sprinkle/mix in water?
  10. doc420

    doc420 New Sprout

    Super Tea is a mix that you would have to add to warm water and bubble for 24 hrs,its 1-2Tbs a gallon of water depending on how big your plants are.The bat guano works the same,the only diffrence is that the bat guano alone is used in mid to late flowering for outstanding results.Top dressing is also an option it just takes a little longer to have readily available nutrients available,while when mixed into water and bubbled for 24 hrs makes the mixes alive and ready to serve.:punk:
  11. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.


    Yeah i should have mentioned that the bat guano is used during flowering....but as i said i cant cop hold of that over here,its just summit iv heard trillions of atoms talking about a few times and i researched it a bit but the doc seems to have supplied you with all the info you need.Happy Growing:)
  12. jaypee89

    jaypee89 The Seventh Seal

    i WOULD make a tea and feed it like that, but see, my plants are going to be grown outdoors and I dont control the watering, im letting mother nature water it =)

    will the plant be okay if i stopped by like once a week and gave each plant the ferts they need through water? i just dont want any root rot happening by overwatering it.

    i think ill lay some gravel at the bottom of the pots, and mix some extra perlite into the soil. i shouldnt have a problem then right?
  13. doc420

    doc420 New Sprout

    To be honest to you Jay,outdoors plants need water more than once a week also,Coco in your medium could help hold more water for your plant outdoors and instead of using gravel try soaking some hydroton rocks in pH water and add to the bottom of the pot,I would say about 3 inches then add the soil/coco.And by adding 2inches of hydroton to the top of the soil/coco helps the medium stay wet. PEACE
  14. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I read that even placing a round piece of ply wood at the bottom of the hole helps keep the water from running on down.

    Just thought to add.
  15. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Bat Guano/blood meal ect ect.....@>>>

    Bat Guano/Blood Meal/Bone meal/halo/ect,ect all at

    Peace Out,

    A helpfull link indeed with all great products too, of all kinds, from lighting systems to pipes n grow room set-ups!!!

    UrBigBuddie............:punk: :punk: :punk:
  16. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    growing organics 101

    All ya need is some foxfarms ocean forest organic soil mixed well with perlite and bio-bizz organic nutes.Add that to some 400w hps lights,mylar covered growroom,good ventilation,fans,pots and water and this is all your ever gonna need to produce a decent grow,thats all i ever had to start out with.For quality organic nutes check out: Doc Chronic is well known and reliable,prices aint bad either.Peace y'all:)
  17. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Seems to me that one needs to furnish the hole with prime materials and show up often enough to water well.

    flowering is a water twice a day thing IMO...
  18. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    whats your water schedule randy?

    dO YOU REALLY WATER DURING FLOWERING TWICE A DAY RANDY?I usually let my pots dry out a bit between watering/feeding but then again im an indoor grower.I just always assumed it was good to dry out a bit between feedings?The main reason i started drying out between feedings is cos i got gnat larvae and they love moist soil so i re-potted and kept my soil as dry as possible,lol.Peace:)

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