Could I take some bone meal and boil it up in water and let it cool then water my plants with it? Will that work as well as mixing it with the soil? Oh and if I were to make a bone meal tea and watered my plants do you think any animals would dig up my plants cuz of it? They have before when I just mixed it in the soil but I don't know. Rock on
no. do not boil it. it willnot b as useful. remembr it needz 2 set 4 awhile. only use it 2 mix wit yo soil. (Edited by bradley smith at 10:20 am on Aug. 26, 2005)
0 yea rockon, listen to bradley/thomas/jiggy/fgh/clarence. His astute advice will lead you down the same road he has traveled here at GK for the last 18 months...the road to "failure". here are a few you should really try QUOTE i used pork blood whole raw fish w/ bones soaked eggshellz as suggested i added 1:1 mix of beer 1:3 mix of urine ****. i watered dis plant a few dayz ago w/ this **** and DAMN!!!! this plant iz growin fast as fuk!!! it used 2 gro bout a 1/2 inch a day, itz been growin 1 to 2 in. perday.had 2 raise da lights. the bottom leaves where very small but now they r big!!! stinks pretty bad in my growroom, but itz worth da results. a good organic fert 4 sho!!! QUOTE i wasnt goin 2 use goldfish, hehehehe, i was bout 2 use some sardines! i couldn't make it 2 da fish store and i tried 2 cut a corner.. also i mixed some dried catfood w/ some water and it stinkz. i'm keeping it on standby. i read da ingrediensts and it says it has some... let me get da bag.. meat and bone meal digest of salmon? tuna and liver vit A supplement vit b1 d3 b12 supp.wheat middlins? plus a little more stuff his latest grow.. after only a year QUOTE Good reflective light will allow effective coverage of a 1000 watt HID lamp to increase from 36 square feet, with no reflective material to a maximum of 100 square feet, just by putting $10 to $20 worth of paint on the walls.
4q2. da only thing u provd here iz dat i been usin bone meal 4 awhile. yep thoz r sum of my first babies oh wut memories! in da 1st pic dat plant turnd male & da second pic thoz plantz wernt bein fed wit quality fertz & i put 2 in 1 pot! datz when i wuz growin in a closet. i nvr used dat catfood mess though, & usin all dat otha **** smelld but it did da trik. fishbonez,eggshellz,blood, beer, & urine can all b used as compost. dont pay attention 2 4q2. he gave absolutly no input 2 this thread @ all. he can post picz of evry1 elses plantz, but doesnt have any of hiz own. @ least u know i have been growin dope 4 awhile & still do.
who wuld u rathr listen 2. a 4q2 who iz all talk & no plantz (not evn a fukd up 1) or a brad who u actually can C growz mj? this iz sum frm da last batch b4 i broke my digicam while i wuz high on mj i got sum i just plantd a few dayz ago & now bout 2 start my 3rd succesful gro. i shuld b gettin anutha cam very soon.
It's not like i'm only listening to him but he does have a point when he said you haven't given any input on this particular post. Therefor I have no one else to listen to.
Dogs go crazy over bonemeal, they love the stuff. As far as boiling your organic nutrients, that will not help at all. Make an organic tea by putting nutes in a sac and soaking in a bucket of water for a few days. Strain out the extra, and water your plants with it as often as you like. Should keep the animals away from it as much too.
I always assume bone meal is a slow thing. Put it there before you need it. Also kelp meal is a good thing to add at the same time imo. But if you must.. Micronize the bone meal perhaps in a blender then screen through a fine mesh. Then put in a shaker or in a strainer and shake it lightly over the soil and water with a fine mist of water. The microbes are the ones to break it down imo. However, micronized may well leech faster than out of the box. Did I spell leech right? I suggest a foggit nozzle for the watering job.
re-read the post...its right there. AI good tip- but throw in an airstone bubbler in the bucket to up the anty