
Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by hella420, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. hella420

    hella420 Germinated

    Is bone meal considered organic and if so would it be useful during the flowering phase.
  2. Guest

    Yes and Yes..

    The thing is to put it in the ground before you plant.

    Mix well into the soil deeply.

    I also suggest kelp meal and some feather meal when you mix the bone.


    Nice garden friend.. I likes

    Well bubba take and get some Seabird guano and some bat guano.

    Sprinkle some bat, some seabird and some bone on the top along with a little alfalfa meal and water with a little Epsom salts in the water.

    They look really good friend

    Try a little and see... Can't hurt if you keep it reasonable.

    I hope others will chime in and contrast my humble opinion.


    (Edited by Randy_High at 6:06 pm on Mar. 14, 2005)
  3. hella420

    hella420 Germinated

    Thanks randy h I went with the bonemeal for now I am looking into getting some guano just need to find the right place. Its getting to be around spring time so I think getting the ferts will be easier. Of the plants I had 6, 3 so far are definite girls and the ones I thought would be she were all he's hehe.
  4. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    bonemeal iz good as a compost. plan early.
  5. Guest


    Quote: from Clarence Weedman on 8:31 pm on Mar. 15, 2005
    bonemeal iz good as a compost. plan early.

    CW you are so right.

    It takes time to break it down.
  6. hella420

    hella420 Germinated

    I have some fish emulsion and other stuff, would it be safe to say that I will not see benefits from the bonemeal for months? If so its moot because I only plan on flowering for a couple more months. I am looking to get some of this Fox Farm bloom stuff. But the problem is I can't find any local shops with it, should I just order it off the internet?
  7. Guest

    A snippit.



    Phosphorus and Calcium

    P 20% - Ca 20% This is not standard bone meal, this is the high quality steamed bone meal. This premium grade material is very fine and is the richest we ever tested. Lowest fat content available, virtually fat free. An excellent source of immediate and long-term releases of phosphorous, calcium and trace elements. Great for bulbs and all flowering and fruiting plants and trees. Use from 5 - 10 lbs per 100 sq. ft. Best to work into soil prior to planting. (5 lb minimum order).


    I'm a loss in what bone does as a top dressor but as a Tea it might help.


    So much depends on what shape your garden is in.

    I found that I could use sea bird around the base of the plants and water.

    I also saw that I could put the seabird in water and pour around the base of the plant.

    I must be clear. Being an Organic gardener is an art. The old timers they had their ways. I have mine and you are getting yours.

    Fish is good to feed with, The bone as a tea may give a good dose but is best mixed early.

    At this point I suuggest Seabird and only once..

    Wear a dust mask when handling any guano! NO JOKE.

    But as you can guess premix is easy.. Foxfarms or such..

    I like them in the midle of flowering. Age old seemed to be a tonic and I will think of it as that.

    Do you garden outside like flowers and veggies and stuff?
  8. hella420

    hella420 Germinated

    I just ordered Fox Farms Tiger bloom should be here in a couple days. I dont do any gardening other than herb. So far I got 5 girls. There about 24 inches tall and 1 1/2 weeks into flower. I am going to use this Fox Farms stuff there are literally only 2 hydro stores in my entire state. Both are hours away so it looks like I'll be ordering my stuff online. I am going to update my garden so you can see my girls. Thanks Randy H for your responses.
  9. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I'd send it to Grandma's house not mine if you know what I mean.

    I'm semi legal as a medical person but LEO gets our Tax monies to put us away..

    And you are welcome.. I'm just learning myself friend.
  10. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    soundz like a good mix randy

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