my three week old ww seedlings are showing tip burn at 1/4 strength or 7.5 ml per gallon .the ones with roots in the water are the worst i guess that makes a rookie should i be using something easier to work with. are organics harder to grow with?
Organics are easier to work with because it's harder to burn your plants with Organics. I don't know a lot about the different brands but I use Fox Farms and my plants have not showed any sign of burn. Note: I didn't use FF until a couple of weeks into flowering simply because I didn't have any yet. Good luck!
i guess ill do flush with straight h2o and go with a diff nute. this stuff is creating a snott looking build up on the roots, and chunks of it floating in my solution in a matter of 24 hrs after changing solution & cleaning everything??????
Greetings fellow growkinder! We here at the mouse hole have some experience with Botanicare products. The first thing to note is the way they describe dosage. If memory serves correct they break the dosage down into categories. Typically, something like "seedlings", "medium sized plants", and "Large plants". Each category has a recomended dosage. It sounds like you have used 1/4 of their large or medium sized category. Try going off of a lower catergory even though your plants seem larger than the description. Botanicare should be used with care. Keep dropping the ratio until you reach an agreement with your plants as to what works. We found 5ml/gal to be the maximum amount advisable, and that only when you take into account this next suggestion ... Botanicare is a "complete" fertilizer, i.e. not only does it contain a Macro nutrient rating (N-P-K), but also a range of Micro nutrients. Our experience with the product taught that these microN are salt derived. This means that using botanicare will impact the pH of your medium. Ensure that you are pH adjusting away from the acidity that these fertilizers will add. Follow these suggestions and you should do well. Dont worry that you are a first timer, the plants know what to do. Just excersice patience and let them do what they do best. When in doubt water less, fertilize less, trim less. I hope this helps. In the end we decided to cut botanicare products out of our schedule, and instead use a 3 part Earth juice formula for MacroN, along with a Kelp addititive (Maxicrop) for MicroN. 3BlindMice
thanks for the 411 ive just about made up my mind to change to flora nova should i do a 24hr flush? by the way these are growing in a bubbler set up.
Cleaning out the resevoir and refilling with fresh water will ensure that your experience with the new product is untainted. However, any change midstream risks things going worse. Unless things simply cant get any worse, better the evil you know to the evil you dont. Try dropping the ratio and pH adjusting to use up the expensive bottle of Botanicare before switching products. 3BM
my grow shop told me the same thing about the nutes. they said my problem is my well water (bacteria) my roots developed a brown snotty sludge coating them basicly sufficating them. i flushed everything with distilled h2o and flora-shield and went back to 1/4 strength nute. they seem to be perking back up and the roots are looking much cleaner. i hope they grow soon