I found out about this com pany in maximum yield magazine. Does anyone have any thoughts on these new lighting systems? They look pretty cool, and they seem to make sense to me...I have never heard of 3D lighting before...anyone? http://www.broad-leaf.com/lightinggear.html
you certainly wouldnt have to buy one of theirs - just rig up your own system with some blue spectrum lights...I have thought of doing this myself before.
Well, I have NEVER thought of this before, but I have NOW!!! It's so obvious, it elluded me. Wow... thanx for helping me feel like a complete moron. But realy, I can feel that I was meant to see that picture...that my grow experience will thrive and the buds will exponentiate! Much thanx to you Lumenosity (Edited by arcticbongs at 2:49 pm on Mar. 18, 2004)
You are right arctic, Blue spectrum adds mucho resin I apparrantly. Had a friend who swore by it. Was going to try similar setup in my next sho!