Bugs on my herbs

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by herbalicetea, Feb 4, 2005.

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  1. herbalicetea

    herbalicetea Veggy Stage

    Im just about to harvest and out of no where little white bugs the size of a pin head are every where on my girls. I just flushed like 4 days ago so the soil is still saturated. Im thinking about harvesting early so these bugs dont ruin my babies. What do you guys think? Should I harvest early or just let it ride? I dont have any pestisides or anything.
  2. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Does there look like there might be webs in the buds...like spider webs.

    Pin of a needle? Sounds similar to spider mites.

    Ranger has a great homemade recipie in the[SIZE=11pt]FAQ[/SIZE]
  3. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    On your next grow try Hot Shot Pest Strips about $5 from your local grocery store. Had Spider Mites at week 5 and was Spider Mite free on Harvest Day. Are your sure the bugs are white because I had hundreds of tiny white dots on my fan leafs from the lil bastards.

    Also you will notice a diffence in 2 - 3 day with the Pest Strips

    Good Luck

  4. herbalicetea

    herbalicetea Veggy Stage

    There appears to be no webs. They are deffinately white dots the size of a pin head. When I touch a fan leaf a bunch of them little bastards fly around. What should I do? Im kinda afraid of using any pestasides at this point b/c its so close to harvest time.
  5. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    Yea, I would not use a pesticide at this point, I have washed off plants at 7 weeks of harvest with no problems, maybe a loss  but not noticed

    Try the pest strip for a couple of days, it kill tons of pest, Flying,crawling, ect. I just hang mine from the top of the room on a hook. I have used over 6 differnt pest recipes and the strips have work the best for me.

    Good Luck
  6. Guest

    Lots of Stick Yellow Traps as a first strike.

    I'm sure there are other suggestions. Traps seem like a natural right now.

    They" target="_blank">http://www.groworganic.com/a....

    They may be attracted to the yellow of the trap over the green of the plant.

  7. therealdealranger

    therealdealranger Begun Flowering

    You have white flies.

    You don't say how close to harvesting you are. If just a week or so, ANY pesticides, even the organic 100% safe ones will affect the taste of the bud, and you'll also end up smoking insect eggs.

    I was faced with the same problem once. I was able to take the plants outside every other night and, in 50-degree weather, mist them with a hose and then leave the set outside for 15 minutes or so to dry. It took 2 weeks but it got rid of them by using nothing but water. I ran my lights at night, so the plants went from a perfect environment in the grow room to cold, dark and wet. It didn't affect the plants much but the whiteflies left for greener pastures. If this option isn't available to you I would harvest them now and hang them upside down to dry instead of paper-bag drying so the dead insects fall off. You might also want to smack the plants around a bit to knock off dead bugs (before the buds are dry).

    Prevention is so much better that dealing with pests once you have an infestation.

    I use a light spray of my homemade insecticide once a week (followed the next day with a mist of plain water)except in the last 3--4 weeks. Plus I inspect them carefully weekly.

    Whiteflies can get into your growroom by flying in, or hitchhiking on your clothes which is why you should wash up (and change clothes if you've been outside) before tending your plants.

    Spider mites however don't fly. They ALWAYS ride in on other plants you bring into your growroom or by hitching a ride on people from an infected grow. For this reason, if you bring in plants, you should try to set up a quarentine area if possible to keep infested plants from fucking up your entire crop.

    No-pest strips: NO NO NO NO NO.

    You hang these from the ceiling and they emit toxic insecticides for months. This stuff coats you plant with toxins. Their use is prohibited in a areas where food is prepared and there's a reason.

    Smoking buds from a growroom that has those pest strips is like spraying Raid on your plants before smoking them.

    The sticky strips are good. They kill bugs simply because bugs stick on them.
  8. jerseydude

    jerseydude Banned

    WOW. Good info, ranger. Opened my eyes!!
  9. erix420

    erix420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    i say i thke them outside & give them a good shake ( at night) ... clean out grow room & remover the top 2" of soil, that should keep them at bay until harvest ..

    Also kick up the Fan in your grow room all pest Hate to deal with Wind !!!

    (Edited by erix420 at 7:15 am on Feb. 4, 2005)
  10. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    Ranger says No Pest Strips ----****

    Well you know a hell of alot more than me, so I will take your advise about the Pest Strips. You can not smell the pest strips or even taste them on the buds but I will have to find another way to deal with these bastards. Maybe take another 10 year brake from growing or go back outdoors. Thanks Ranger you ruined my day
  11. herbalicetea

    herbalicetea Veggy Stage

    To harvest or not to harvest.  That is the question.  

    PS help quick, Im off to the super bowl.  Holla

    (Edited by herbalicetea at 3:34 pm on Feb. 4, 2005)

    (Edited by herbalicetea at 4:45 pm on Feb. 4, 2005)
  12. slmchizz

    slmchizz Begun Flowering

    sorry to get off your topic but,

    DAMN!!!! Randy nice avi, big too.

    I like

    I like
  13. Guest


    Quote: from slmchizz on 3:30 pm on Feb. 4, 2005
    sorry to get off your topic but,

    DAMN!!!! Randy nice avi, big too.

    I like
    I like


    Yeah I likes too...

    She knows what it's worth I see.

  14. Guest


    Quote: from herbalicetea on 3:27 pm on Feb. 4, 2005
    To harvest or not to harvest. That is the question.
    PS help quick, Im off to the super bowl. Holla

    (Edited by herbalicetea at 3:34 pm on Feb. 4, 2005)

    (Edited by herbalicetea at 4:45 pm on Feb. 4, 2005)

    Like the crackle of burning bugs? Sure.. Harvest.

    What do you think?

  15. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    So What did you end up doing?

    Here is a post with some more info on the " Hot Shot Pest Strips "

    I" target="_blank">http://www.cannabisworld.org/vbporta....811

    I decided to keep useing mine - I rather smoke pesticide than mites, but that is me. Still have not had any bad taste or any kind of smell in my buds, and I put it in at week 5 when the stip is at it strongest.
  16. Guest


    I have to say I learn all the time.

    What did you do? How did it turn out and how are you doing with it?

  17. Guest


    Quote: from rodge 420 on 10:27 pm on Feb. 6, 2005
    So What did you end up doing?

    Here is a post with some more info on the " Hot Shot Pest Strips "

    I" target="_blank">http://www.cannabisworld.org/vbporta....811

    I decided to keep useing mine - I rather smoke pesticide than mites, but that is me. Still have not had any bad taste or any kind of smell in my buds, and I put it in at week 5 when the stip is at it strongest.

    Here in California It's been al long time since I've seen one of those.
    I will have to look for them but I would say they don't sell many out here. I could be wrong..

    < chatter box mode >

    What do you think of Yellow Sticky traps?
    I'm still wondering about the blue.. Nothing seems to get stuck to it.

    Yellow caught a few flys this year but a Moth developed and escaped from the room. The catapiller( if that is what they are called) ate on couple of leaves.. Not much mind you but noticable.
    I saw it in there and tried to catch/kill it but oddly it understood my moves and hid. Real well and real fast too.

    It's gone now.

    I'm one to warn against chemicals in the room as well yet, I'm interested in what kind of placement you are suggesting with the No-Pest Strips.
    I assume No_Contact placement that would be a no brainer.

    Soil or hydro.. Vent or no vent and **** like that.

    It may not be a good idea but it might be something someone would try. Better know the right way to do it if someone decides to.

    How about it..

    < chatter box mode off >

  18. transistionranger

    transistionranger New Sprout


    Quote: from rodge 420 on 10:27 pm on Feb. 6, 2005
    So What did you end up doing?

    Here is a post with some more info on the " Hot Shot Pest Strips "

    I decided to keep useing mine - I rather smoke pesticide than mites, but that is me. Still have not had any bad taste or any kind of smell in my buds, and I put it in at week 5 when the stip is at it strongest.

    You'd rather ruin your lungs for like than smoke mites?
    I've done research on those strips.  They are toxic; that's why their use is banned in area's where food is prepared.  
    Pot is also something you put in your body.
    Maybe you want to **** up your respitory system, but I think you owe it to your friends, the next time they come over and you bring out your weed, to tell them that it's been sprayed with toxic insecticides.
    And let me ask you this--if someone offered you a joint that had been sprayed with Raid, would you smoke it?

    (Edited by transistionranger at 12:41 am on Feb. 7, 2005)
  19. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    ..of course those NPS emit an insecticide. Poison to bugs..can't be good for humans... You thought maybe they scared the bugs away?..heeehee ;)
  20. rodge 420

    rodge 420 Begun Flowering

    Randy - I have used Yellow Sticky Traps but only when I Gnatsand the NPS in hung at the top of my ceiling.

    No Ranger I wont Not smoke a joint sprayed with Raid, but there is a difference. I dont smell, Taste any chemicals from the pest strips. The pest strips dont have a smell. There has been 5 people that smoked on this last harvest and they never said any thing about a bad smell or taste, I will warn Smokey on the Football wager for you tho

    Im in Texas, I seem to have the worst Mite problems. I have made up a 5 gallon bucket of neem oil and dunked the plants into the Bucket and still had webs on my buds in a couple of days. The bottom line, no pesticides have worked, Pepper srays, garlic, Eistine oil ect. I am a 99% fully organic soil grower except I use the NPS. Its eighter use the NPS strips or Kill the crop, With Super Thai, Maui Wowie, NL, Hawaiian Skunk, New Purple Power, Bubblicious, Trainwreck & Orange Kunk going I plan to use the NPS till I find something better.

    Here is a post of mine on Homemade Pesticideds


    It aint like I just put a NPS in because im lazy, I did it cause I have too.
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