The same bugs that were on my last group of girls is back. How the hell do you get bugs when you grow inside. This is seriously pissing me off. it almost ruined my last harvest now theyre back and im not even half wat through vegging. Theyre these little yellow bastards that fly around and leave this ****(Ithink eggs) on the leaves. What should I do? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im tripping out right now.
Get a program.. Yellow Sticky traps first. I think soap water works too. about soap.. I think that kind is safe to use... Maybe I'm wrong.
You can go down to Home Depot or most garden centers and get Shultz fruit and veg spray. Contains Pyrithium. It is safe to use up to harvest. They also make an insecticide soap that is safe to use as well. That and sticky tape. If you have a hydro shop arround you should be able to get foggers as well containing pyrithium. Use every three - five days for 3 treatments. Hope this helps.
Is this what they look like? If so they are aphids and aphids are pretty nasty as far as plant bugs go. Do like g-kitty says and use that spary a couple of times a few days apart should work. Aphids are pretty hearty creatures. If they are smaller than that they are probably thrips. Thrips suck because they have two stages in their lifecycle where sprays wont work. One is in the egg like most but another is in larval stage where they go into the soil to mature for a few days before emerging as adults. You be spraying a few times before these all go away, a few days in between and get it dont before they start to flower, once flowering starts I only recommend natural preditors like lady bugs.
Im using fox farms ocean forest soil. I mixed a tad of dish soap with very cold water and sprayed. It seemed to kill almost all. Ill probably spray for a week and hope all goes well. The picture of the aphids looks similar to my bugs but Im not 100% posative.
Kill? Probably not, someone likes clean bugs. If they are aphids, as I indicated they are pretty hearty as bugs go and while they may appear to be gone, Im pretty sure they will be back. When the Shultz stuff costs about $5 a bottle and available just about everywhere its not like that should break the bank. (Edited by Lamont Pontoon at 10:30 am on Mar. 18, 2005)