Did you know one eggshell contains 2grams of calcium?It usually takes .47grams of an eggshell to every gallon of soil in order for it to provide enough calcium.
Smart thing to do,at least you know you wont have any calcium deficiency.I crush it into powder and add to the top of my soil.
Would boiling the shells affect anything?And wouldnt it be better to just let the egg shells sit in a mason jar with a cup of water for a week?
The boiling extracts the calcium from what I understand. I think you could just boil eggs and use the water after.
i luv usin eggshellz. itz very handy since i eat eggz 4 breakfast damn near evry mornin! i used 2 use eggshell water, but now i got a compost going wit eggshells, burnedwood ashes, old ripe banannas(chopped), grinded bones, and a cup of blood. itz been compostin 4 three wkz now. i stir it up every now and then. i dunno when i'm gonna use it though, definitely not b4 i get a ph tester, which will b next week. any1 know where 2 get a good 1 for cheap? btw dont boil da eggshells. better 2 let em soak in water 4 a few dayz, longer if possible. be sure 2 mix only wut u need bcuz it will mold up quick if it sitz 2 damn long. (Edited by bradley smith at 9:10 pm on Aug. 31, 2004)
fgh, you can get a Ph tester from the home depot for about $8.00. It's the wand/meter type so it's reusable... They'll stop em sellin soon cause of the seasonal change.