California says no to certifying organic marijuana

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by -, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. Guest

    California says no to certifying organic marijuana

    Associated Press
    Mar. 4, 2005 09:20 AM

    UKIAH, Calif. - Organic pot won't be getting the official seal of approval in California.

    State officials have told the Mendocino County agriculture department it can't certify medical marijuana as organic. County officials wanted to know if pot could be labeled organic, like pesticide-free produce.

    The state told the county that growing pot, organic or otherwise, is against federal law and can't receive any official certification.

    California voters approved the use of medical marijuana in 1996. But federal authorities don't recognize the legitimacy of that referendum.

  2. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Its a plant

    SUNRAY New Sprout

    Hi Randy,I take it your in California,does your government grow there own weed?

    (Edited by SUNRAY at 4:07 pm on Mar. 6, 2005)
  4. Lamont Pontoon

    Lamont Pontoon Full Flowering

    Not that I really thought that cali peeps cared for any fed lables but based on their response that they dont acknowledge the referendum then they wouldnt enforce the law if the product were labled organic without their consent. No? That would require them to acknowledge it in some sense or another.
  5. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    The stupidity of these laws just amazes me sometmes. We can't certify that pot is grown organicly so someone can say for sure they aren't smoking some pesticide because it's against federal law to grow the plant in the first place. WTF has the human race come to? Blows my mind.

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