chicken, steer, and dairy fertilizers

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by mbwiseguy, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. mbwiseguy

    mbwiseguy Begun Flowering

    for those of you that have access to all sorts of shit (literally), here is something that you might find useful. seems that these crappy fertilizers can be used at different stages of growth depending ont he animal.

    personally, i transplant from a small to a large container right before flower. seems that i could use some chicken shit in the soil going to flower, and a combination of all in veg, or something along those lines. that is only an example. obviously, there are other organic additives that would make some nice shit to grow in

    N / P / K
    Chicken manure - 2.0-4.5 / 4.6-6.0 / 1.2-2.4
    Steer manure - 1.0-2.5 / 0.9-1.6 / 2.4-3.6
    Dairy manure - 0.6-2.1 / 0.7-1.1 / 2.4-3.6


    1. Low burn potential.
    2. Relatively slow release.
    3. Contain micronutrients.
    4. Conditions the soil.


    1. Salt could be a problem.
    2. Bulky, difficult to handle.
    3. Odor.
    4. Expensive per pound of actual nutrient.
    5. Weed seeds can be a problem.
  2. outdoor love

    outdoor love Begun Flowering

    i use chicken, peacock, turkey, goat,rabbit,and grain fed cow poops all mixed together. i dont know what the NPK level is but u wouldnt believe what it would do to a mj plant!! can u find out what those animals shit NPK are?
  3. eightball69

    eightball69 Veggy Stage


    so i got some rabbits goats pigs chickens which shit or combanation of shit sould i use my plants are just atarting to flower they are outside (can check them in the outdoor growing forum) the name is My Guerrillas they arent in pots.. can i just chop the ground around them and mix it in that way and water it good? i really want full big buds and i know P is important in flowering stage so.. if yall can help me out would be awsome
  4. outdoor love

    outdoor love Begun Flowering

    if their flowering u probly dont want alotta shit right now, u want some (p) and (K)
  5. eightball69

    eightball69 Veggy Stage

    what would be the best way top give them some p and k since they have been planted in the ground for like 3 months now
  6. Mr. Wakenbake

    Mr. Wakenbake Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    my bro is growing in soil, that was below a chicken pen....nice stuff, his plant is thriving.

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