2 weeks ago i got 3 clones that i got off a plant 1 1/2 weeks before harvest i know ur sapose to take it during veg but it was good bud and i wanted more of it, i took off the bud and planted in soil and used super thrive they have lots of roots now look like there growin fine but i was told that it wouldnt live because once it flowers it wont veg
Hey I did the same thing about a 2 months ago. It just takes a long time to go back to veg. I haven't kicked them over yet I want them a bit larger. I'll keep you posted
give her some time and she'll come around. I like to designate a mother soley for cloning. Or take clippings before 12/12 then weed out male clippings. Happy growing
I'm using General Hydroponics "Flora Nova" line. It's a one part concentrate fert. Looks like mud but works very well in soil. The taste of the smoke is amazing and my green burnt snow white and the ash turned to powder when I ashed it.
if i waited tell the plant was about 8-9 inches tall and switched it to 12/12 would it bud a descent amount and would it be worth it
No they wouldn't I have seen your plants and they dont look good at all .. LOL .. Joking his plant looks nice. Ive already grown mine and didnt get much out of it at all..I was going to take some pics but I cant get my cam to work..So if I can get it working soon then I will take some pics of htownrecords plant..By the way he's my brother..
Are you wanting to mother it, or are you just trying to get another grow out of her? Well for me I'm mothering this one to making many more little ladies. This is "one hit wonder" smoke. What I do with any clone is veg for a week to grow them about 6-8 inches taller then then I flip them. They grow twice as large by the time the grow is finished. Granted the yeild isn't as good as if you grew them 2-3 feet, but you make up for it in the amount you grow, SOG baby, it's a great way to grow. Sounds like it would be a good time to kick them over if your wanting just another batch of smoke. Good Growing