Compost! Compost! Compost!

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by thatgoodsheet, Oct 2, 2005.

  1. thatgoodsheet

    thatgoodsheet Germinated

    I work at a restuarant as a dishwasher (yay!) and we go through so much unused food... so you've guessed it, i already have a real nice compost pile at our house that has been going for 25 years (since it was built) we've vegetarians so its all organic fruits and vegetables and boy its nice. But at this restuarant you get (its italian) noodles and some meat here and there and lots of lettuce tomato's cucumber (from the salads that everyone gets and no one eats). Just wondering if there is anything wrong with the starches in the noodles or if meat isn't really a good compost? i could always just pick out the good stuff, or just take the big buckets of straight lettuce that go bad or sit to long. Just a thought, any input would be great!
  2. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    I see no problem with the pasta and starches, but meat is no good for compost.
  3. thatgoodsheet

    thatgoodsheet Germinated

    k thanks... i was just noticing they throw out maaaad amounts of vegetables and such... so i'll keep the speghetti and such in one container and then the vegetables in another and throw out the meat, now i just got to make myself a little composting unit so it'll be ready for next spring, thanks!
  4. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    with all them veggies and lettuce you could start a kick ass worm bin. worm castings are great soil additives :bigok:

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