Crazy idea

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by Thelonious, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. Thelonious

    Thelonious New Sprout

    Hey, yes i've been lerking around, if any of you remember me. But, i was cleaning out my attic today and for along time knew that there were bats up there. Well i have a trash can filled with bat ****, and i was wondering if it would make a good fertilizer.

    Any response would be great thanks.
  2. weedgrl

    weedgrl Metalhead

    It is called bat guano...and yes it is a great fert.
  3. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    yes bat guano is a main ingredient in a lot of organic ferts. I wouldn't just apply the "product" directly to the soil. It will need to be composted b4 use. that's not something I have ever done.
  4. OutlawGardner

    OutlawGardner Knees in the breeze

    I have used commercial bat guanos for years- they are excellent ferts. Wawona is right- yours would have to be composted first. If not, it would be so concentrated and powerful it would kill your plants.
  5. TheObserver

    TheObserver Veggy Stage

    What they mean by composted is in actuality diluted.

    Bat guano usually come in little pellets, pour water over them like a tbls of bat guano per gallon of water. Be carefull not to inhale directly over the pellets, avoid it all all costs dude.

    Good growing
  6. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Bat guano builds up for thousands of years where it is harvested. Fresh **** will be too hot probably. I'm not expert though.
  7. Bong O Matic

    Bong O Matic A Fat Sticky Bud

    Another great source for bat **** other than your attic or a grow shop is called McDonalds,Just order 3 bigmacs and you got enough **** for 3 years.
  8. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I also believe they make a tea out of it,before you can use it, no not to drink. CBM420 should get lost, liar.
  9. runzwsczrs

    runzwsczrs Begun Flowering

    I'm with SFC on the CBM420...3 big macs, and i'm usually all shitted out in less than 3 mins...I swear they must recycle them things... they never leave the premisis... "order up" ... to customer ... to shitter... back to grill....
  10. Angry Iraqi

    Angry Iraqi Begun Flowering


    *Fill a nylon stocking with organic nutrients (of your choice) and soak in a bucket for a few days. Stir occasionaly, remove nylon bag and filter the rest through another nylon stocking. You can apply this tea as often as each watering. It will also not clog emitters for hydro organic growers.

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