
Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by ZitRemedy, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. ZitRemedy

    ZitRemedy New Sprout

    Theres some stuff going around here for 75 an 1/8th!!!! Geeeez!!! Ridiculous. I aint buyin it, i never have (the most ive paid ever was 120 for a quarter that consisted of one huge bud that was NLxHaze) paid that much for a frekin 1/8th. My buddy has some of it and it STINKS and all,tastes like oranges/spice and really gets you high, but seriously, ive had better stuff that I got for 40 an 1/8th! Why do these thugs sell stuff this high for? I just dont get it...if I could sell something for that high of a price cuz it smells so strong, id make some dough cuz i have 2 jars of bud that, when opened, fill the air with beutiful sweet skunky smells..but I would never do that (when i get enough to sell to my CLOSE friends, it will be like 25/30 an eigth or free for people like my friend's dad who has cancer). But 75 still isnt the highest ive seen...one time and one time only, my friend from the west side had a buddy who was always tweeked out, anyway, he paid 100 DOLLARS FOR A FUCKING EIGHTH!!!!!! When I asked why, he said "the guy said it won the cannabis cup"......so what?[​IMG]? And i highly doubt that the particular bud he got was the EXACT same as what won the cannabis cup..and most of us know by now that cannabis cup results really dont matter anyway. But yeah...sorry, I feel like venting. Prices are ridiculous, those prices are gonna turn all smokers into criminals (i.e. cannabis growers). Whats the highest price for cannabis you have paid or seen in your area??
  2. TheObserver

    TheObserver Veggy Stage


    Whats the highest price for cannabis you have paid or seen in your area??

    Too much to be honest, but I'll humor you anyway

    Various prices I'm aware of for the real potent nuggies range from $340 an oz, you do the math, all the way up to $600 an oz, do the math...
    Sickening, I know...that's why we grow the kine.

    (Edited by TheObserver at 3:49 pm on Sep. 5, 2005)
  3. HillbillyHemp

    HillbillyHemp Higher than Camel Pussy

    Guess I'm pretty fortunate here. Excellent smoke goes for about $50 a 1/4 (usually indoor grown), $40 for respecatable import. In rare instances I've seen indoor for $75 a 1/4. But not very often.
  4. imripped

    imripped Veggy Stage

    round hurr i get like a 5 gram 8th for $25, 8 gram quarter for like $45 and this guy hooks it up so a half would probably be like 16 grams. the stuff is real good mids, way better than some of the stuff round hurr.he said he can get tripple priced fire, so i guess i get 5 grams of chron for $75. thats $15 a gram, i guess i hsould be happy cuz all the other guys charge more for fire than that.
  5. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    depends on who i get it from. I have one friend who hooks me up for $30-$35 an 8th and another friend who has to get $45-50 because he travels 60 miles to pick up for just a few people and gas being so expensive, he has to recoop. I dont mind and its always good herb
  6. Octoberbuds

    Octoberbuds Begun Flowering

    the most i ever paid for weed was like 120 for a 1/4. It was some real tight BC. It was the tightes buds i ever had. There was no way that i could break it up with my hands so I had to use my grinder. Sweat taste and a very very good high.
  7. geheim

    geheim Excommunicated

    1 gram = €5,00

    10 grams = €40,00

    100 grams = € 350,00

    1000 grams = € 2600,00

    1.00 EUR

    Euro = 1.24601 USD

    United States Dollars

    1 EUR = 1.24601 USD 1USD = 0.802565 EUR

    (Edited by geheim at 1:29 am on Sep. 6, 2005)
  8. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    $600 ounces! thats farout man!

    i've paid 45 for an 1/8th of kind bud. most expensive ounce i ever bought was a zip of white russian for $270 I've bought half ounces for $150 before, but rarely.
  9. Goofybootz

    Goofybootz Guest

    We're running arund 400 an ounce up here, but we're always dry, thats why i grow my own. And by the way im Thelonious but i needed a new name becuase i forgot my password.
  10. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    I wonder how many times a thread like this has started...

    prices, prices, prices....


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