I am aware that this message is popping up. This is caused by the database being overloaded and not able to serve that request. I am away of the issue and monitoring it. I may have to move the forum off of the main site server once again.
its just random. its when googlebot, and msnbot and slurp (yahoo bot) in addition to regular people, all start hitting the garden pages at once. the db gets bogged down. since vbulletin is fully db driven if the db doesnt answer the forum isnt here. there are a few things i have in mind in case it keeps up. the garden page does >20K pageviews per day, and each view takes multiple db queries, so that ads up to a lot of db requests.
agrow without the robots i cant get any search results and can't make any money. like it or not i have to try and make money off this site or it will eventually go away. it requires a dedicated server (actually 2) to run the main site and forums. that doesnt include the vbulletin and photopost costs, etc.
understood.. how about controlling what bots are eating the site alive.. perhaps adjust the meta tag settings... make them not slurp so much
Oh that's why I'm getting sleepy my eyes are getting heavy... I will now buy a GK coffee mug.. BTW are they still for sale?