I certainly hope Obama fires this bitch, wishful thinking I know. Cannabis News The head of the Drug Enforcement Administration slammed President Barack Obama this week for saying marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol, according to a report Saturday in the Boston Herald. DEA Administrator Michele M. Leonhart reportedly told a group of sheriffs at a closed-door conference in Washington that she was frustrated by the administration’s recent openness toward state legalization. Although Leonhart’s remarks were not made publicly, her pointed references to the president could put her job in jeopardy.:bravo: “She was honest,” Mike H. Leidholt, president of the National Sheriffs’ Association, told the Herald. “She may get fired. But she was honest.” The administration so far has shown itself willing to let Colorado’s and Washington’s experiments with marijuana legalization move ahead. But those baby steps toward respecting state legislation appear to have sown dissension at the DEA. Leonhart, a former Baltimore cop and long-time DEA agent before ascending to the agency’s top role, staunchly opposes mainstreaming marijuana use. In 2012 House Judiciary testimony, she refused to answer a question from Colorado Rep. Jared Polis (D) about whether she thought crack or heroin were worse for a person’s health than marijuana. She said in December that legalization sends “mixed messages” to high-schoolers, and this month, one of her top deputies told Congress that legalization is “reckless and irresponsible.” Leonhart also appears to have been upset by a flag made of hemp that flew over the U.S. Capitol on July 4 at the behest of Polis. Bristol County, Mass., Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson told the Herald that “she said her lowest point in 33 years in the DEA was when she learned they’d flown a hemp flag over the Capitol on July 4. The sheriffs were all shocked. This is the first time in 28 years I’ve ever heard anyone in her position be this candid.” The flag was made with industrial hemp, which is not a drug. “This shows how shockingly out of touch Michele Leonhart is,” Polis told HuffPost in an email Saturday. “You would think that one of her lowest points would have been when she completely embarrassed herself by failing to state the obvious scientific fact that marijuana is less harmful and addictive than heroin. Almost half a million Americans saw her make a fool of herself.” A DEA spokeswoman contacted by the Herald did not comment on Leonhart’s remarks, but reiterated the agency’s opposition to legalization. She did not immediately respond to a request for comment from HuffPost. Aside from Obama’s statements, it also appears that Leonhart was incensed that the unofficial White House softball team squared off against a marijuana reformers’ team in a game covered exclusively by HuffPost. The White House staffers lost.:roffl::roffl::roffl: Tom Angell, founder of the reform group Marijuana Majority, told HuffPost in an email that he doesn’t expect Leonhart to be fired for her “insubordinate speech.” “But in light of the president’s newfound boldness in speaking out about the unfairness of marijuana prohibition enforcement, he should take the opportunity to significantly reform federal marijuana policy and rearrange the agencies that have mismanaged it for so long,” he said. Newshawk: runruff Source: Huffington Post (NY) Author: Ryan Grim and Matt Sledge Published: January 25, 2014
So she's intellectually dishonest. I thought that was a requirement to be a cop? Seriously though, her still holding the position of top DEA gives truth to the lie that Obama is moving on the issue. His position is window dressing that's trying to save votes for dem candidates in MMJ and legal States.
its window dressing but it's good window dressing. When the president admits to taking a schedule 1 drug, and then says it's less harmful than the national drink, it is music to my ears. I can't hear it any other way. Not optimistic, just enjoying the blow job
hmmm....let see it for what it is. Obama has seen the poll numbers so he needs to boost his and claims to be one of us. But in reality he doesn't give a fuck so people whom he controls directly still stay on the attack. Make sense? Obama = just another shitty politician trying to boost his rating
Boost his rating for what? He is in his last term and will never run again for public office. Take it for what it is: a slight victory despite his motives. The feds are setting up banking rules for marijuana businesses and letting states figure out their own laws. Celebrate that things are changing, even a little bit.
So he doesn't take the ship down with him like Bush did. He will go down as the most hated president in the history of the country and frankly has NOTHING at all to show for his years in office. NOTHING but piles of debt (I know it's still Bush's fault, just like everything else) and a legacy that he himself destroyed America. That's why he's on the campaign trail, cause dems stand to lose many many seats in the midterms....that's why he said he will resort to his magical pen instead of listening to the people or following law. BTW, what did he do in my state? Answer that. Cause frankly we would have the perfect system if not for the DEA. They are the ones that put people like me in prison for decades, not my state, because we are decriminalized.....so tell me exactly what he has done??? Once again NOTHING!!!! He is just trying to stop the sinking ship and talking out of both sides of his mouth. He's not going against CO because it's a swing state. Seriously how can't ANYONE AT ALL SEE THAT!!!! The dems got their asses handed to them in recall elections over guns and Obama wants to at least keep the state purple instead of solid Red. Obama is by far the sleaziest politician ever to walk the face of the planet. Nixon looks like Washington, Lincoln and JFK rolled into one compared to this piece of shit. BTW, he so pro marijuana....whys he letting the NSA give the DEA information??? Cause he's a piece of garbage that his followers no matter how much wrong he does think he's a god.....BUT he such an egomaniac he's scared of what the history books will write....so he pretends to be a normal folk. Even though he's a silver spoon fed rich boy whom doesn't care about the average American....unless he can use them
BTW LL, can you show me the link to where he's told the DEA to stop going after marijuana? Or has he stopped federal prosecution of pot growers? Has he let anyone out? Has he even spoken out about the sentences that people that grow a fucking plant get from his government!!!!!!!!!!! Just one time?!?!?! How about when he said what he said he was USING THE FUCKING RACE CARD crying that blacks and latinos won't have a chance after they get out of prison for dealing.....what about us white folk that face LIFE for growing!!!! Seriously, he's not god
I said take it for what it is, a victory for the movement. I never said Obama was god, that he told the DEA to stop prosecuting people, or even defended him. I said take it for what it is, and you decided to go on an anti-Obama rant. So there is that.
I guess we have VASTLY different definitions of victory or even what the goal post is. Having someone say pot is not that bad and at the same time have people that work directly for him take people like me away from their families for 20+ years at a time IS NOT A VICTORY IN MY BOOK. I can't see the victory or any good in that at all. It's like a woman saying well he only raped me today, at least he didn't beat also. He can do something, he opts not to. You asked why he would SAY this and I explained, because he's a piece of shit politician. The only person that is/was better at politics was Joesph Goebbels. It pains me at this point to see people support him. This is an absolute case of Emperor's new Clothes. A man that has the ability to use the most powerful stage in the world that can end an unjust war against families and good people but chooses not to but instead says a couple words about RACISM AND HOW HES A VICTIM (all minorities are in his mind) and uses the popular support of marijuana in a swing state to advance himself......IS NOT A VICTORY!!!!! THE DAY THEY RELEASE ALL THE GROWERS SITTING IN FEDERAL FUCKING POUND ME IN THE ASS PRISON AND STOP KICKING IN OUR FUCKING DOORS.....that's a victory. But maybe we just have different goal posts. Good people are in prison....for a plant. An actual problem he can address tomorrow if he so chose to. But instead, he uses it to talk about racism, to portray himself as a victim......while good people rot in prison faces the gods knows what....24/7/365. Tell me how the self serving statement helps any of these people?? Honestly it would be nice to smoke a joint in public, I really don't care cause I like my family home life. I care more about people who don't see their families because of the "war on drugs" Look at the stink about Treyvon Martin....he came out about that and the kid was a punk bully thief and so many other trivial subjects but can't have one interview about marijuana? He can't make a real statement and have them stop. What about immigration..he did there, you know how he said he was going to use his pen...he could do that tomorrow if he wanted....BUT HE DOESNT OR HE WOULD!! His handlers get rich from the war on drugs....it will take state by state to legalize and hopefully free people. ALL BECAUSE OBAMA DOESNT WANT TO STOP IT...he could, 5 minutes letter a phone call....that's all it would take
A sitting US president said that weed is no more harmful than alcohol, to the media. That is a victory no matter WHAT his motives for doing so are. I am sorry you have been hurt by the drug war, but to think he would just go in and tell the DEA to fuck off, when it is actually is Congress' responsibility, is just ignorant. Small steps are how we are going to end prohibition, not a presidential decree.
Are you kidding? Bill Clinton had more of an impact. And Obama used it to push a political view, not even saying the war on marijuana is wrong...it's just unjust because blacks and latinos get harmed. Do you know who the DEA works for?? You don't think he can make that policy change??? Hmmm.....do I really need to go there and what they have done lately?? But you don't think they can stop the marijuana war? Even if congress didn't act he can issue an executive order to stop the enforcement.....he's done it before with other issues (immigration, health care) And I'm ignorant?? What for pointing out the obvious? And nope, never had to spend real time in prison, but it's a constant risk for me and lots of others on this site. And there still countless others who are already sitting in federal prison.
yea but the dude is still and always will be a puppet, any prez gotta go thru 50 hoops to get a no farting bill approved, even if he used his "powers" that be, as soon as he makes one move, it'll get overturned and put back into place as it was or at the very least, as soon as theres a new president regardless of anything.....wait till theres a Republican in there, shits guna change!!! and I don't see any victories being estabolished either, anywhere but maybe Colorado n' Washington buuuuuut tides are a changing atleast....I just want the shit decriminalized!
If he can stop the feds from deporting illegals he can stop the DEA from enforcing marijuana raids war. Just think, 5 minutes of dudes time and it all goes away. Local police don't give a shit, they are only pricks because they get money to fight the war....no money, no war. CC, look next door to your state decriminalized but still Feds pick up charges because they are way harsher than state law. I want to grow my garden and not be fucked with. IF i can make a buck in a legal way that's good too, but no family deserves to be split up over a plant......and Obama still supports this or he would have/could have said that. if he can talk about a wannabe thug he and protect illegal aliens he surely can do something for this countries citizens
Was waiting for this thread to cycle back around. :roffl: http://www.change.org/petitions/president-barack-obama-fire-anti-marijuana-dea-administrator-michele-leonhart
Actions not words. It was Obama who picked Leonheart and tolerates her indefensible position by allowing her to stay. It was Obama's DOJ that issued the Cole memo (and has not rescinded) directly overriding the previous Ogden memo (which said to lay off State legal producers and dispensaries) thereby causing an enormous upswing of Fed action in MMJ States on State legal cannabis businesses. Window dressing and politics.