dead fish in bottom of holes...

Discussion in 'Organic Cultivation' started by budblower10, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. budblower10

    budblower10 Veggy Stage

    does this really work? I have heard people say "my friend did it and got a million foot plant" lol. but was it just a coincidence? Also, if you think it does work, how should it be done. if Im planting in 2 weeks from now, can i drop a nice dead fish, or does it needed to be done months ahead? thanks alot, i just dont know to beleive it or not. it seems like it could help, but also hurt.
  2. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    This is one of those classic "tales" they tell you in school about Native Americans: IE putting fish into the hole before they plant the corn blah blah...

    All they were doing was creating a type of compost under their plant before they knew the detail about compost....

    Should you put fish in your MJ holes? Sure...if you want to...and want to deal with animals digging them up and horrible smells...but I doubt it would hurt them....

    My advice: Go buy some natural ferts....
  3. El Campesino

    El Campesino The Farmer

    like lionlove said,

    there are MUCH MUCH better ways.

    about 100% certain that animals will dig it up....maybe draw in a few buzzards
  4. the monster xxx

    the monster xxx delta-9-THC

    i knew a guy who grew some pretty good bud with dead fish, but before he started growing he told me that he had no plains on spending a single cent on growing pot, the bud could have been a little better than they were, but for a guy who saved seeds for a year, and didn't spend a dime... that was some good FREE bud!
  5. 420

    420 KING

    thats organics, raw God given organics....

    better than any store bought supplements. Do it!
  6. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Fish heads, fish heads, rolly-polly fish heads

    Fish heads, fish heads

    Eat them up yum!
  7. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I love to feed with fish emulsion and brewed coffee plus kelp, azomite, honey and what not.

    So yeah there is some truth in it...
  8. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Our ancestors:

    The lone Indian stepped onto his field....the harvest was slant last year, and the tribe barely made it through winter off of crops alone...Standing erect, staring on his ancestors land, a tear fell from his eye. Wiping it away with his free hand, Lone Smoker knelt to the ground and began to dig a hole. Once he was satisfied with its depth, he stood back up. Lone Smoker reached into his pouch, dropping item after item, of halibut, black brewed beans, and plants from the sea. "I may not eat well this year," Lone Smoker coughed, "But I shall smoke till I pass out."
  9. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    Ah yes a passage from the book Smoke Signals in my mind.

    Wonderful read!
  10. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Randy! friend,lol, im rite at this moment stoned out my face,lol, so il make it SHORT!...lmao

    WTF are you guy's all tlking about if yous are here,lol, im so LOST o WTF's going on,I Totally LOST the threads purpose!!! lmfao

    P.S, Cofee? Brewed?.lol(stoned bro<<< :punk: :pottytrain1: [/b]


    UBB........... :) :punk: :icon_confused: :punk: :) :punk:
  11. 420

    420 KING

    dude Wtf is up with your posts, their absolout jiberish!
  12. danke

    danke Hermaphrodite

    He was laughing a lot apparently..

    I'm surprised he wasn't ROFL... or maybe he is AWOL from the mental health place up the road...
  13. Randy High

    Randy High Organic Alumni

    I for one get too high to make sence sometimes.

    Just one of those things..

    UBB it's about bioactivity in the soil and fish.

    I was saying I feed with fish elulsion and brewed coffee plus a few other things.
  14. the monster xxx

    the monster xxx delta-9-THC

    lol, it happens to the best of us:punk:

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